I'm not big on asking for favors and as a result, a lot of revenue slips past our platforms. That said, as I often do each year before Christmas shopping season, I am providing this friendly reminder that we benefit from you using our Amazon banner ad and link if you do any shopping on Amazon. The ad is found on the bottom of the right banner, under the two skyscraper ads.
If it is easier, you can just click this link, or the image below, and you will land on the Amazon page shown below with our affiliate links embedded - https://www.amazon.com/b/?node=7068...93285&linkCode=ur1&adid=1H0FFHH95DW553Y1TDWA&

And if you do a lot of Amazon shopping the rest of the year, you can use the link above as your Page Bookmark shortcut to Amazon. That also helps us.
This revenue stream, though not enough to even cover server hosting fees for the site, has grown over each of the past few years. It helps and thanks for the past support from using that link. If it is all the same to you, it helps us cover costs of the site. Thanks for your support.
If it is easier, you can just click this link, or the image below, and you will land on the Amazon page shown below with our affiliate links embedded - https://www.amazon.com/b/?node=7068...93285&linkCode=ur1&adid=1H0FFHH95DW553Y1TDWA&

And if you do a lot of Amazon shopping the rest of the year, you can use the link above as your Page Bookmark shortcut to Amazon. That also helps us.
This revenue stream, though not enough to even cover server hosting fees for the site, has grown over each of the past few years. It helps and thanks for the past support from using that link. If it is all the same to you, it helps us cover costs of the site. Thanks for your support.