PEAX Equipment

Oregon Seceding?

I imagine all the ex-Oregonians will end up spending all their time bitchin about Boise for treating them like a red headed stepchild, just like they spend all their time now bitchin about Salem for doing the same.

Just looking at it from the standpoint of hunting, Idaho fish and wildlife will have to figure out how to divide the new area into management units and then how to allot tags. That might take a year or two. When they do get it figured out most of the ex-Oregonians won't have enough Idaho points to ever get a decent tag anywhere in their new state for many more years anyhow. Better start buying points now, just in case.
Sigh. Idaho is a poor state. Our school systems are ranked 50 out of 50 in funding.

Last thing we need is Oregonians further placing pressure on our infrastructure. We can’t afford to help you. Stay home.
Ammon Bundy could hunt the Malhuer NWS as a resident. But then he is a sovereign citizen so I doubt he gives a crap.
Huh? I assume part of the reason lot of people leave california is they want lower taxes. You are arguing they vote in higher taxes in their new locations? I would need some data showing that to be the case, because it seems unlikely.

My view is that if eastern OR wants to leave to join ID, I'm fine. But they have to become their own country. Cut them off from the Federal teat too. They also might want to get an idea on where their electricity comes from before the vote.
Dirty little secret, Idaho has high taxes.
It’s still a huge variance between supporting Oregon and having Californians live here.

Californians have been coming to Idaho for decades. Republicans still have a supermajority plus whatever is Ammon Bundy. Legislature is currently voting to allow militias again.

My property taxes haven’t gone up much (wife says they went down last year). I actually get a benefit from higher property taxes as I might use the service, unlike paying for welfare Oregon. Plus I get the financial benefit of the rising housing prices.
Those are good points though sorry to hear you dislike eastern Oregon. Good luck!
Dirty little secret, Idaho has high taxes
Higher than Oregon?

How can that be with a idaho Republican “supermajority”?

I think I’d probably take an Idaho property tax over Oregon, and sales tax over OR income tax.

Edit: if eastern Oregon was merged with Idaho it might help idaho keep its republican supermajority for a bit longer. And they’d probably vote to lower taxes
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Sounds like another dopey Mormon conspiracy. If they couldnt manage to take over a little bird refuge, I don't expect this will fare any better.
Sounds like another dopey Mormon conspiracy. If they couldnt manage to take over a little bird refuge, I don't expect this will fare any better.
Lol. No actually it’s people in eastern Oregon tired of western Oregon politicians making dumb decisions affecting the normal part of the state. But you’re right it won’t go anywhere
We hang right there with the “best” of them. 4th highest overall last list I saw. No doubt you (Ill) join us in the top 5.
But still no sales tax in Oregon, right? None in Montana either but they avoided it with tax on legalized gambling instead ... = fool's tax. Everyone wants something for nothing.
I assume part of the reason lot of people leave california is they want lower taxes. You are arguing they vote in higher taxes in their new locations?
I’m saying the demographic that moves in many times is more “liberal” than the local populace. It happens a lot.
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