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Drew the youth applegate-evans creek antlerless elk tag if anyone has experience with this I’d love to bounce ideas off, I have several ideas to get on them. Struck out on everything else :/ really hoping to draw a either sex tag for evans creek as my last year as a youth, but missed it. If anyone wants help with youth hunts in the Chetco, evans creek, I’d love to help just send a pm. Will have fun bear hunting and planning to do archery deer.
Hi i was wonder if you had any success with the antlerless tag? I scouted prospect area after the biologist recommended that area but didnt find any elk sign. I was thinking about looking into the damage tag an giving that public lands 8% a try to get lucky
Before you get a damage control tag you might want to physically check out that 8% public. I talked to a guy out in Sam's Valley years ago, who had a few of hundred acres of mostly alfalfa. All he did was complain about, bitch about, moan about and cuss about all the Damn elk. So, I asked him, if I were to draw a cow tag for the area would he let me come and kill one for him. "Hell no, I don't allow hunting on my property!" So, I decided to check out the public land that bordered two sides of his property. Hell no! I aint gunna try to hunt that God forsaken ground.

No way.
Before you get a damage control tag you might want to physically check out that 8% public. I talked to a guy out in Sam's Valley years ago, who had a few of hundred acres of mostly alfalfa. All he did was complain about, bitch about, moan about and cuss about all the Damn elk. So, I asked him, if I were to draw a cow tag for the area would he let me come and kill one for him. "Hell no, I don't allow hunting on my property!" So, I decided to check out the public land that bordered two sides of his property. Hell no! I aint gunna try to hunt that God forsaken ground.

No way.
Good to know Gouch thank you for the input, may I ask what was the challenges with the bordering property; steep, swamp, thicket? I am only concidering the tag honestly becuz I'm not looking good for general rifle coastal which I was planning on having time off of work but schedule changes. But I could probably get up there for two or so couple day trips
Drew the youth applegate-evans creek antlerless elk tag if anyone has experience with this I’d love to bounce ideas off, I have several ideas to get on them. Struck out on everything else :/ really hoping to draw a either sex tag for evans creek as my last year as a youth, but missed it. If anyone wants help with youth hunts in the Chetco, evans creek, I’d love to help just send a pm. Will have fun bear hunting and planning to do archery deer.
Hey Blacktail did you have any success for that antlerless elk tag? Or have any information youd be willing to share? Thanks for any input
Look at this map.

You will see that most of the BLM is around the northerly and westerly boundary between Shady Cove and I-5. Up along the northern boundary towards Shady Cove there are some elk but pretty much no access to that BLM. Farther south along the western boundary there is a little more access but still not great and it is extremely steep and brushy. The elk are likely to be down in the bottom near private and the access is all up top. In the center of the map, you will see the Denman wildlife Management Area. This is open for hunting much of the year but there are no elk. Just north of that there is a chunk of BLM. That is Upper Table Rock and there is no hunting allowed there. On the east side of the map where the boundary juts out There is quite a bit of BLM. I am sure there are elk there, but I have never been in there. That probably means there is no access, because between work and play I have explored most of the public land that I could get to around here. But it's worth taking a look. If you look between Meadows Rd. and Antioch Rd., you will see a strip of BLM that is made up of a bunch of 10 to 20 acre lots bunched together. I have seen large herds of elk right there off of Meadows Rd. several times. Easy access, gentle terrain and frequently there are elk there. The problem is that because it is a jumble of small lots you will always be hunting right near people's houses and most of those people don't want you there trying to kill one of "their" elk. That is enough to keep me out but then that's just me.

Good luck

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