Yeti GOBOX Collection

Oregon Draw 2023

No E Oregon buck tag draw or even E. Oregon spike bull tag, same as last year.

Going into this draw had 1 pref point for buck, now 2. Guess I'll be spending a lot of time grouse hunting this fall!

Good luck hunting everybody!
I drew an antlerless deer tag for the McKenzie unit. I know it’s nothing fancy but this will be my first controlled hunt, so I’m pretty stoked on it.
Got a point for a couple other hunts now, too.
Before some E Oregon anterless hunts were shut down I'd been buying points in case one year I wanted to get a whitetail, and have kept doing the point saver. Now I have about 14 or 15 points and will just keep point saving -- chasing that sunk cost. You're welcome for the extra $$ ODFW!
Congrats on the spike second choice -- I was gunning for that as 2nd choice, first season. I've not had that tag since 2016. So from 2017 I've been skunked 5 times applying for that as second choice. Tagged my last spike in 2016, then 2020 was Idaho and 2021 was a branch bull tag for NE Oregon. This year I'm stocking up on shotgun shells.
Congrats on the spike second choice -- I was gunning for that as 2nd choice, first season. I've not had that tag since 2016. So from 2017 I've been skunked 5 times applying for that as second choice. Tagged my last spike in 2016, then 2020 was Idaho and 2021 was a branch bull tag for NE Oregon. This year I'm stocking up on shotgun shells.
We used to draw the spike tag every year second choice. Unfortunately those days are gone. Glad you have a plan B.
That is a great tag. The area around the Milk Shakes is a great bet if the weather stays mild. Most overlooked area is Alder Creek going down towards the river, but you better be exercising. Pay particular attention to Alder if it snows hard early. I’ll be looking around this summer up there but only have a spike Tag.
Biggest bull we’ve ever seen was just below Timothy springs last year, Didn’t get a picture of him, probably 350 but had a body as big as a Clydesdale. All Catherine could say was Jeepers.

I'm beginning to see why people hate forums. jeezus
We used to draw the spike tag every year second choice. Unfortunately those days are gone. Glad you have a plan B.
I haven't looked at the 1st choice applicants for NE Oregon spike bull, but maybe more people took Randy's advice and burned a few points for that tag instead of chasing branch bull tag. At least up through 2016 on average I'd get the spike second choice tag every other year.
I didn’t draw anything although it was expected since I only applied for points(D,E,A) and then applied for sheep and mtn goat
Nothing spectacular for me but my son drew the new Dixon Unit buck hunt so am pretty excited for him. Should be fun. Congrats to all who drew tags.
I thought about applying for that tag. The Dixon unit that time of year would be almost a slam dunk. But I knew I had enough points for my muzzleloader tag, so I want with that.
I thought about applying for that tag. The Dixon unit that time of year would be almost a slam dunk. But I knew I had enough points for my muzzleloader tag, so I want with that.
That should be a lot of fun, when I spoke with the area bio before putting in for the tag, he said his friends always see nice bucks during that muzzleloader hunt. Good luck!

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