Oregon Deer Game farm Question...

h-john, not really sure what you mean by
If you look at the illastration, t
but regarding Kali, I'm pretty darn sure that there is legislation regarding the take of game native to the state on an "exotics" farm!

You are correct in that Kali does have a few (very few) put-n-take type operations for exotic sheep/goat/pigs but you would have to show me an operation that the State is allowing for the harvest of any type of deer or elk that would be found native here and, aside from zoo type operations, they are pretty tight with even the ownership of non-native deer that would run the risk of escaping.

What/where specific deer farms do you know of along 101?
SS, if a state doesn't want elk and red deer to cross, they can have laws and tests to prevent it. Crosses occur between lots of species and it doesn't ruin them, right? Like mule deer and whitetail, so I don't see the worry about ruining purity as much of a worry, it can be controlled, if you want. Is there some evidense of a danger of loosing pure elk or something?

That waterbuffalo I shot, I actually entered in Records of Exotics and it went #2 last year, so somebody else shot a really big one.
That waterbuffalo I shot, I actually entered in Records of Exotics and it went #2 last year, so somebody else shot a really big one. (quote Tom)

Tom, was that Boone & Crockett or Dun & Bradstreet?;)
Crosses occur between lots of species and it doesn't ruin them, right?

Absolutely! hump

That waterbuffalo I shot, I actually entered in Records of Exotics and it went #2 last year, so somebody else shot a really big one.

and the kid that owned it prior to Tom "hunting" it down won 4H Grand Champion at the Texas State Fair

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