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Oregon Deer Game farm Question...

SS, when you find that 80% send them to me. I would say out of every 20 cars that stop, 15 are a non-hunting family. They come up take picture, Talk about the elk and even sometimes buy meat from me.

Elk Farmer their not watching you shoot them, I'd say that if they did, that would turn them to anti hunters.... Ranch away I've got no problem with you doing your game farm so as it doesn't step on my rights, as I've said before if your operations don't infringe upon my rights to a healthfull and clean environment, and you operation doesn't impact my wild animals, and you don't shoot animals for sport, then ranch away.

Tom, do the math, figure how many hunt in the US then divide that by how many American's and there you go! X= hunters Y= Americans X divided by Y cary the decibles over and two points and make it a percentage.

Other than jealousy, i dont know what makes a guy like you tick. you used one example of a rancher making a bad choice.

Maybe if your wife really good looking with big bazookas, ya it might make me jealous, but because you own a game farm, nada.
Tom, just so you know, high fences are illegal in Wyoming. It is illegal to put them up. Now don't confuse high fences with snow fences either.

There are a few sections of highway that have put them up, but notice that there are means for the animals to cross under the highway. The idea is that we are saving the lives and preventing winterkill.
Sreekers, that's the use of high fence I saw in Wyoming, its a great use, you agree? Saves animals and saves property damage, maybe even human lives.

I haven't read anywhere where genetics is a problem inside a high fence, its something that can be more easily improved and managed in a high fence though, I have read that. I think SS is just imagining that problem and not read anything about it actually happening, but I'm open for a reference, if you find one, ever.
That is about the only thing they are good for. My problem with the whole concept of high fences is that a wild Elk can easily travel 25 miles in a day. In fact in some of the desert areas it is normal. Ranges can easily be multiples of that, so that cuts down what a normal range would be.

Tom have you ever heard of Genetic bottlenecking? That would be the correct term for what a high fenced area would do. Anyway, I am prolly going to drop out of this argument on that note.

The high fences along a few sections of highways in Wyoming still allow natural migration of animals.

Animals stuck inside an enclosure dont migrate anywhere.

Bottom line is, WY, MT, OR, etc. have passed legislation to keepout or severly limit game farms...and for good reason.

I suspect more states will follow suit, and again rightfully so.
I have seen pictures of elk in thier natural migration all gathered up in the farmers field, and alongside the barn. Late season hunt, pick out the biggest bull eating off the hay bale and fill your tag. Sporting I'd say. What a challenge. as long as you have the $$$$ you are in. I would do it, and I bet everyone here would to.

But for arguments sake, I say "lets ban all hunting where animals gather."

BuzzH, I don't think a guy like you would be interested in anybodies wife. You spend to much time :eek: hump ,,,,;) with your trap open
BuzzH, I don't think a guy like you would be interested in anybodies wife. You spend to much time ,,,, with your trap open (quote elkfarmer)

:confused: ...think you got the wrong guy farmer.:rolleyes:
elkfarmer is wrong about more than just who said what...

For instance: late season elk hunts.
I thought elk used to naturally stay out in the valleys where all the grass is, its only hunters and civilization that have chased them up into the mountains? I'm thinking if it weren't for man's encroachment of the valleys, they'd spend a lot more time there during the year grazing on the rgrasses?
This is like deja vu isn't it. Doesn't this arguement occur every year? Has anyone changed their mind about high fences and elk farming over the years on this board? Oh well, carry on. It is amusing anyway.
Elkfarmer, how many elk do you have? How many acres? Do you have clients that shoot your livestock for a fee? Do you jab 4 strokes and blow? I'd guess yes!
SS, I only have a few. I sell mostly meat animals to keep my numbers ~15. I have never had someone shoot any of mine on my farm. Thats not to say that if the price is right I wouldn't let someone. I don't see anything wrong with someone trying to make a buck as long as it is legal. And it is legal for Dr.Joe to cut me a check and shoot one of my bulls. I don't care what lies he tells his buddies or what he post on the internet. I don't get why people like you care. Does it really effect you personally? If so, how? And yea I know about the new cause "migration".. Can't block the migration, it disturbs my wildlife. News flash, animals adapt. If there is something in the way, they will go around and still get to where they are going. So, lets start a list of reasons how a hunting/ranch operation affects you personally. I will start.

1-gives myself and my family a great hobby enjoying an animal we would never have the priviledge to enjoy unless we pack up and move 1800 miles.

SS, NO you are way off. Thats me and three other guys stopping off at your house. :eek: hump hump hump :D next
1. My HUNTING license dollars in Montana are spent (to the tune of over 1 million) to administer game farms. That money should be spent on wildlife...not some game farm mutant elk herd.

I have more...we'll see how the list progresses.
BuzzH, question for you. Is it $$ from your licence or is it tax $$ ? Here in new york it is tax $$. Now you want to see a goverment waste $$ and take care of thier own, you should try living in new york. I don't balme you for not.
The state sells people a liscense to cover the TX Parks and Wildlife costs for hunting any animal here. Montana messed up not doing that, but I think elkfarmer is right, there is a tax per animal that's supposed to cover it that is paid by the elk rancher, right Buzz?
I want to disagree with you Tom, but I am not really sure what you are saying. Could you clarify your point for this simpleton? thanks....
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