Yeti GOBOX Collection

Opinions on German Wirehaired Pointers

Hem, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. A few months before I left for this deployment, we lost our Lab/terrier mix at almost 17years old. We bought her during our first year of marriage and our son (8 yr old) didn't know life without Nala. It's tough.

Having said that, I am in almost the same boat as you. I have been looking for a dog with the same priorities that you listed. Only, I now also have to find one that is as hypoallergenic as possible. Both my son and I developed allergies to pet dander. How I became allergic to everything in the world at the age of 40, who knows? I'm sure that it has nothing to do with all the burning toxics that I've been exposed throughout my deployments. :cool:

You said, "I have always appreciated dogs which maybe are not mainstream". Well do a quick google search for Hunting standard poodles. There are some very serious breeders out there that are trying to breed back in the hunting characteristics that poodles were originally bred to do. There are some very funny/interesting stories out there about some very capable hunting poodles. There's nothing more non-mainstream than a hunting poodle.

Besides that, they are one of the smartest (if not the smartest) and best family dogs around. Just thought I would throw that out there as something else to think about since it has caught my attention and I may actually consider going this route. I like the unusual as well. :hump:
Even if it didn't turn out to be the best hunting dog you have ever had, it would probably be the smartest dog you have ever had.

Below is an article from Gun Dog Magazine about them.
I've only spent time/hunted around two, neither of which I owned. Both of those dogs were great! So much so, if I can ever move to a place where I can justify a bird dog the GWP would be at the top of my list of breeds to look into. One thing to note, they are versatile dogs and have some fur chasing in them. If you have cats they may not make it very long!! The two dogs I've been around were gentle towards humans and dogs alike. Not so much with cats...
Take a look at the Drahthaar, similar to the GWP with a stricter breeding standard. I have hunted around both breeds for 15+ yrs and have owned 2 drahts, currently have a 4 yr old male. Both of my dogs have been incredible family dogs. My male dog goes everywhere with me. Strong hunters, very competent retrievers, smart and I have found them very easy to train. It's important to look at the parents and get reviews from other puppy owners. The VDD (drahthaar) has a good testing program for those inclined that when culminated you have quite a hunter. With the strict breeding standards you virtually eliminate genetic disorders. If you are looking for a versatile breed be sure too check them out.
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Take a look at the Drahthaar, similar to the GWP with a stricter breeding standard. I have hunted around both breeds for 15+ yrs and have owned 2 drahts, currently have a 4 yr old male. Both of my dogs have been incredible family dogs. My male dog goes everywhere with me. Strong hunters, very competent retrievers, smart and I have found them very easy to train. It's important to look at the parents and get reviews from other puppy owners. The VDD (drahthaar) has a good testing program for those inclined that when culminated you have quite a hunter. With the strict breeding standards you virtually eliminate genetic disorders. If you are looking for a versatile breed be sure too check them out.

***I would certainly agree with your analysis of the DD. Mine is 10 1/2 and has the short hair characteristics of the GSP part of the breed. He won't harm a flea unless he's in the hunting mode and then it's lights out for stamina and endurance. He loves attention and being around me 24/7, and is on the bed beside me at night. They will hunt anything you want including furred game, will point and retrieve on land or in the water, blood trail, etc. Mine is out of the Moorehaus kennel in Georgia and I dread the day when Hercules (Herc for short) makes his last hunt. My buddy and I got 23 of our 24 bird possession limit of pheasants last season in 4 1/2 days on public land where we hunt in ND. Even though Herc has short hair he loves colder weather and snow, which is obvious from this one picture of him in the back yard. Take a serious look at the link provided.


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