Opening Day Bird


New member
Sep 29, 2015

Opening day bird in Mississippi. Came in strutting to a 40+ year old Lynch Box call. Great times were had by all, save one...
My boys are driving me nuts about turkey hunting.Its both of their favorites species to hunt.Last year they both got long beards.Congrats on your Tom!!Now what are you going to do that you ended your season so early?

Nice bird!

Go to the recipe section in the hunt talk forums.......years ago a turkey enchilada recipe was posted. We make it ever year!! It is great!
We get 3 per year here, and the old bird I had gone in there chasing went the other way with hens. Its game on again in the morning.
This is the 3rd time I have gotten a gobbler on opening day, and I always wind up kicking myself by the second week when I am looking for a gobbling bird to chase. We have a lot of out-of-state pressure (and in-state pressure), and there are hardly any gobblers talking after the first week.
You can ruin a perfectly good turkey season by killing the gobbling turkeys.
Congrats on a fine tom. We have to draw a permit in AZ for our chance at 1 bird. I didn't draw, so I'm going to try an OTC archery tag. Again. Never killed one or even got a shot with a bow in a few tries, but archery goes after the youth and general shotgun hunts in AZ - the birds are done calling by then and pretty skittish, but it beats not hunting. Hoping I'll have a chance at mentoring a youth hunter again this year. We were really close to sealing the deal on a really nice gobbler last year.
Congrats!! I love chasing gobblers in the spring. I didn't get even a day in the turkey woods last year due to my son's baseball. Hope the schedule allows at least one day out this year.
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