
onXmaps questions


Active member
Jul 13, 2017
First post here, I am curious about the onXmaps cell phone app and wanted to ask a few questions of people who have and use it. I plan to start scouting an area I am going to hunt locally soon. This area is a little blm section in a zone comprised of almost all private property. When I go to scout I am sure I will lose all reception. When I download the 7 day trial to see if this app is worth my money will I be able to download and use the map offline? Second question if I locate deer, or good areas to glass and other points of interest can I drop a pin in that location? I am finishing school in 4 weeks and plan to begin scouting then, which will be about 1 month before the season starts.

What do you guys feel are the advantages of the app, give me some info. The only thing I've heard is from Randy's podcasts and he talks constantly about how he uses a garmin and not the app.


I use both gps and onX. I really do like the app, you can use when not in cell if you download the area ahead of time. You can set markers and label them as you want to. It's nice to see a satellite view when nevigating if you are not familiar with the area. It's well worth the money for me even if it is just digital scouting.
I use the App and love it. It really helps to make sure that you know where property lines are at. It also finds give you landowners names which I have used to help me get access to some new property. I feel that small up front fee worth it if it helps you.
I used the APP on my phone a couple seasons ago and it worked great. If you are interested in the APP for a phone and not the chip for GPS don't bother with free trial, just buy it. This is a proven system, the app does exactly what the company claims. Maps are easily downloaded to the phone and spots can be marked or "pin dropped". I'm a big fan of this product and like what I see from the Missoula, MT based company.
I use the app and really like it. It's fairly cheap for a years worth. As far as dropping a pin, I can't remember on the current version. But if they go with the beta version I was just testing, then yes you can. I think there might even be a discount on the subscription by being a forum member. Another bonus, you can use your computer or tablet which is a bit easier in camp or in a vehicle. It will drain your cell phone battery but I carry a small battery pack or a goal zero solar panel.
Thank you guys for the input, I was worried that whatever I saved would disappear when I switched from the trial to the full version. Also the battery situation makes me nervous too, I think putting the phone in airplane mode will help so it's not always searching for a signal. But I do plan to use a battery back up.

What does everyone say is the onXmaps best feature?
Bagel_7 what kind of phone are you using? The app works better on some phones than others. I personally was disappointed how it worked on my old phone (LG G3), but it seems to be better with my iphone (if only iphone batteries didnt suck).
Correct me if I'm wrong but I dont think you can drop points once you leave service area.

Get a small, $10 battery backup and switch phone to low power mode. I get about 4 solid days with this set up.

I just used it in an area with zero service (Missouri Breaks in MT) and it worked perfectly for 3 days.

Excellent app!

I am trying to buy another state, Wyoming. It keeps telling me to upgrade to all states for $99. It wont let me purchase Wyoming only. Anybody know if you can buy two states without going to the premium version??
You can if you have offline maps. Once you have service they'll be updated to the server within 15 minutes. It's the same if you drop a point using your computer, it'll be on your phone in 15 minutes
I believe you can use it in our plane mode once you save the maps offline. I haven't bought it yet because I am trying to figure out how large or big of an area can be saved for offline use. Does anyone have any experience with the amount of area a person can save for offline use?
If I'm not mistaken the storage would only be limited to your devices memory capacity. The new beta version gave you easier options for saving an area based on distance from the center of the screen.
You will still have full functionality while offline (out of service), as long as you have that area saved ahead of time. You will still be able to drop pins, track your self, see your location, etc.
As far as storage goes, your markups will be saved on our end here. This allows your data to be saved if you ever got a new phone or device, lost your device, etc.
Your saved maps will be saved to the specific device that you save it on however. It will use some of your internal memory, but a very small amount. You can see how big the files are when you go to download that area.
You will still have full functionality while offline (out of service), as long as you have that area saved ahead of time. You will still be able to drop pins, track your self, see your location, etc.
As far as storage goes, your markups will be saved on our end here. This allows your data to be saved if you ever got a new phone or device, lost your device, etc.
Your saved maps will be saved to the specific device that you save it on however. It will use some of your internal memory, but a very small amount. You can see how big the files are when you go to download that area.

Great! Thank you!!

One more question please. I'm hunting a large area with zero service. I have saved 3 maps, each 10 miles by 10 miles of the area (as recommended) I open the first offline map before losing cell service as I leave pavement. I traveled beyond the first 10x10 map, never changed to the next map but the app followed me and kept the satelite view working. I went completely outside of the map I saved, had no service, yet it tracked me perfectly with satelite of the area.

Did I just get lucky or what. I did not think it would work once I left my original 10x10 area.
I zoomed out and made an offline map of the entire unit also but never viewed it. Maybe that is why it worked???

Could you explain the best way to prepare the app for hunting an area 60 miles wide.

Thank you very much for your time!
  • Is there an update to MN's aerial photography anytime soon (almost going to hit 6 years soon)?
    • Furthermore, leaf-off imagery is available from most counties, along with pictometry
  • The ability to download offline maps on the PC so you can use it at basecamp (probably a rare request)
  • The ability to adjust the roadless layer--its almost useless in MN where roads are found every 1-2 miles, so if it could be adjusted manually to show based on local criteria's, that would help.
  • labels displaying at a certain level would be nice, although I know it bogs things down
  • Is there an update to MN's aerial photography anytime soon (almost going to hit 6 years soon)?
    • Furthermore, leaf-off imagery is available from most counties, along with pictometry
  • The ability to download offline maps on the PC so you can use it at basecamp (probably a rare request)
  • The ability to adjust the roadless layer--its almost useless in MN where roads are found every 1-2 miles, so if it could be adjusted manually to show based on local criteria's, that would help.
  • labels displaying at a certain level would be nice, although I know it bogs things down
Try this thread instead of the 7 year old one you dug up. It is monitored frequently with answers to questions.

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