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Onpoint sighting!!

I was minding my own business - stocking up on necessities at Whole Foods here in Bozeman. Was getting a coffee and overheard a guy ordering a carmel macheatto espresso with a double pump of peppermint. The barista handed it to the guy next to me - I looked over and recognized it was Onpoint! Conversation was brief. I barley recognized him with all the product in his hair. He was, however, looking fine like he just popped out of an LL Bean catalog. He told me he missed participating on hunttalk, as it’s no longer as “weird” as it once was. He also thanked me for my valuable contributions to the forum - he still checks in. He also mentioned that retirement is not so exciting but the growth and changes to Bozeman are making him reconsider his plans to move to Missoula or Whitefish in the near future.

@Big Fin can you please reinstate his login here?!?

From Onpoint .. “Hello all!!”
he would just "love" your flaccid dick thread.
He was a cranky f-er .
But I think his resignation post rings true.
Pretty certain all his glue would separate with the FB nature of Hunttalk these days.
Like I said, he was cranky by nature.

You gotta roll with things, or ignore.

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