Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Only in the south!

IMG_0524.jpegThe snakes have definitely woke up down here, snakes have been on the go since early February. Tons of rattlers, and then this bull snake:
what’s it take of non residents to harvest a gator out there? I was just looking into NR opportunity in LA and TX. Moving to OK and I REALLY want to try and figure out how to get some alligator meat! 🤤
what’s it take of non residents to harvest a gator out there? I was just looking into NR opportunity in LA and TX. Moving to OK and I REALLY want to try and figure out how to get some alligator meat! 🤤
When are you moving down there?
what’s it take of non residents to harvest a gator out there? I was just looking into NR opportunity in LA and TX. Moving to OK and I REALLY want to try and figure out how to get some alligator meat! 🤤
In mississippi nonresidens have to hunt with a resident. I apply every year but I haven't gotten drawn. I know that you can buy gator meat in south louisana. Check out Don's specialty meats in Lafayette la. If they don't sell it they can probably tell you where to find it. Most any kind of fish is much better than gator in my opinion.
Looked like LA requires the same thing.

TX might of been the easiest for NR (given I didn’t misinterpret what i read) I think all in all it’s most likely if someone has problem gators on private land.

I really enjoyed alligator in S. FL
Wary of gators and snakes near water, but I padded out with whitey there regularly no problemo. LOL
I found this while taking down deer stands this morning Feb 02, 2025
He's just giving you a friendly hello. I'd made my peace with moccasins hunting in Alabama, learned just to carefully watch where I stepped... and then I nearly walked into one coiled around a tree limb at chest height.

Your earlier post is right though-- I'd rather be trapped in a shooting house with a grizzly than a handful of red wasps. We were cleaning out shooting houses on our lease before rifle season on an unseasonably cool day. I carefully peered around the inside to make sure no Crotalinae were home. Just as I was about to take the final step up the ladder, something made me look under the office chair we kept stashed in there. I was greeted by a wasp nest the size of a good sunflower head that was so thickly covered in red wasps that it literally looked like it was shimmering. Lucky for me, the cool temperatures had them off their game. I hosed down the inside of that shooting house with a can of HotShot like was I was clearing a bunker on Saipan. So many of those suckers came flying out the top of the house that it looked vaguely like smoke.

Anyway, I'll take my chances with the bears and mountain lions out here.
He's just giving you a friendly hello. I'd made my peace with moccasins hunting in Alabama, learned just to carefully watch where I stepped... and then I nearly walked into one coiled around a tree limb at chest height.

Your earlier post is right though-- I'd rather be trapped in a shooting house with a grizzly than a handful of red wasps. We were cleaning out shooting houses on our lease before rifle season on an unseasonably cool day. I carefully peered around the inside to make sure no Crotalinae were home. Just as I was about to take the final step up the ladder, something made me look under the office chair we kept stashed in there. I was greeted by a wasp nest the size of a good sunflower head that was so thickly covered in red wasps that it literally looked like it was shimmering. Lucky for me, the cool temperatures had them off their game. I hosed down the inside of that shooting house with a can of HotShot like was I was clearing a bunker on Saipan. So many of those suckers came flying out the top of the house that it looked vaguely like smoke.

Anyway, I'll take my chances with the bears and mountain lions out here.

"I hosed down the inside of that shooting house with a can of HotShot like was I was clearing a bunker on Saipan."

Not many comments make me actually laugh out load. This one sure did. Been there before on a yard shed in the spring.
You guys know you more likely to get a disease from misquoe bite, then getting bit by snakes and gators...

Skeeters and fire ants...snakes and gators don't bother me, they are actually quit tasty. Wasp/hornets/yellow jackets are close 2nd.
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