Only a dolt does not know this

I was going to respond, but I think I should get my gear ready for my fifth day on the hill. The fire is still burning and we may need to evacuate some remaining residents in the Big Bend Berry Creek area. If not on evacuations or looter patrol, perhaps I will answer some more welfare checks and look for bodies.
Never mind, I'll just keyboard warrior my political views.

If you're a FF Godspeed man! Stay safe.

I lived through SoCal fires up till I left in '06. The biggest being started by a "hunter". Had several friends lose everything.
Well, I don't live in Commifornia anymore thank God. I now live in Peoples Solialist Republic of step away from communism.

But I do know quite a bit about forestry, logging and fires. I grew up in a logging family and 3 years ago almost lost my cabin and property to the Canyon Creek fire in Eastern Oregon. The fire, one of the worst in Oregon with 200,000 plus acres burned stopped only 1/8 mile from my house and was on the level 3 evac. While cause of the fire was dry lightning one of the main reasons it spread was all the dead fall timber and underbrush we have (yes and wind). We have it because the libtards wont let people come in ( winter time) and cut fire wood or clean up the forest floor because of environmental issues. Well........... guess what, we have environmental issues now, its called no forest.

I used to live in Chatsworth near the CA fire, and while yes it is mostly just scrub brush, Trump makes a perfect ( maybe not well timed) about one of the major issues out west. Lets not even go into the water issues n CA............
Why? Only a dolt would vote for one of those 3.

You're a fellow MT Public Land Hunter, BHR. I'm sure during all of your involvement in sportsmen's issues here in Big Sky Country you recall some of the Dolts that Republican voting folks sent to Helena over the years - especially dolts who affected sportsmen's/women/s issues in MT.
Cindy Younkin. Joe Balyeat. John Brendan. Debbie Barrett. Jennifer Fielder. Ad Nauseum.
These were/are far right wingers. Hosed sortsmen/women over and over.
Pendulum's swing.
I once voted for GOP Guv Marc Racicot. He didn't do his home state a lotta' favors. He gave us Judy Martz.
The aforementioned wacknut legislators and the likes of Racicot turned some folks (me too) from voting for the party of bad ideas - GOP - to the party of no ideas - DEM.
Now we are so polarized who knows where it will all go.
The GOP nut jobs we have had the past few years have helped create the Left Wing Frankenstein that's on the horizon
Sure I'll see you up in Helena in a couple months speaking up for our shared bipartisan Sportsmens/Womens interests............................
My focus lately with my free time, has been working with federal, state, and private Montana forest land owners to restore and maintain healthy forests in Montana. Also working to get quality Montana Forest Legacy projects funded. That is what I feel my time is best spent doing. Arguing about whether or not the Greenhorns should have a sheep hunting season or we should allow spear hunting, is not for me.
Also lost in my bitching about GOP nutjobs and Belshawelk's whining about libtards........
What's actually happening in CA.
Pretty remarkable and sobering loss and devastation.

Funny forum

Some hate the NRA, some think its at least someone fighting the 2nd amendment
some hate private land owners, some respect for what they do for all our game animals
some don't think an AR15 should be used for hunting, some do
some hunters are killers, some are conservationists who see hunting as a privilege and a way of life
some leave their crap behind when hunting and camping, other clean up after themselves and others in the woods
some respect hunting laws, some could care less
some drink beer and road hunt at same time, some hike deep into back country

some think I should pay for abortion, healthcare, global warming research, illegal immigration results, higher minimum wage , on an on............ you can guess what believe.

Wouldn't it be great if we all could just give a little , but first you gotta know the facts.
Also lost in my bitching about GOP nutjobs and Belshawelk's whining about libtards........
What's actually happening in CA.
Pretty remarkable and sobering loss and devastation.

Now that you have got back on topic onpoint, I don't think you have ever given your humble assessment of the Alliance for the the Wild Rockies.

Fan or foe?
I'm a hunter not a forester.
So I prefer to discuss sheep in the Greenhorns and to make fun of folks who want to hunt with spears.
Arguing the merits/demerits of organizations which I don't care to care about is not for me.
And I won't go on a forum devoted to such and bloviate.
Carry on with your forestry issues, BHR - Oh and thanks for your work and devotion to that stuff.
I'm a hunter not a forester.
So I prefer to discuss sheep in the Greenhorns and to make fun of folks who want to hunt with spears.
Arguing the merits/demerits of organizations which I don't care to care about is not for me.
And I won't go on a forum devoted to such and bloviate.
Carry on with your forestry issues, BHR - Oh and thanks for your work and devotion to that stuff.

You side stepped my question onpoint like a politician. AFWR weighs in on a number of hunting related issue. Arguing the merits of habitat is also a hunting related issue that is frequently bloviated about here. I think you are completely aware of AFWR and what they about. Just in case you are not, here is a sample from there website.

Kick in Montana hunters crotch right?
Keep on carrying on dude...………………………………………………………………………………….
You're either not enjoying the sweet taste of a cold one my friend, or you are a little too often ! Chill.
Sure you are not a AFWR supporter, onpoint?


How about we allow the experts we hire at the Gallatin National Forest to do their job? I think this was the point the "Dolt" was awkwardly trying to make.

From the article.......

The work

The Forest Service has touted the project as a way to protect about 500 homes, a public campground, roads and power lines in the area. The work was also designed to enhance aspen and whitebark pine stands deeper in the forest on upper Tepee Creek Road, which is an inventoried roadless area. Around Rainbow Point Campground, one of the busiest in the Northern Region, tree thinning is meant to reduce human-grizzly bear encounters.

Does shit like this take place in California? Yes.
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