Only 10 days...? Ammon Bundy heading to jail.

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I'll stand with any American citizen standing up for their freedom. This family had decades long grazing rights that were being unfairly targeted.

Post #19 among a whole slew of others on this thread you have insinuated that breaking the law is necessary when the federal government takes away your “rights”. One of these “rights” you claim is driving your jeep wherever you see fit.
Accusing someone of breaking the law? How respectful you.
Now your offended when someone insinuates you might break the law? Cmon on dude. Your a riot. 😂
. I'll stand with any American citizen standing up for their freedom. This family had decades long grazing rights that were being unfairly targeted. It's been 5 or 6 years so I don't recall the specifics but it's really not any different then what we see in Colorado with the unprecedented closing of our access to our public lands.

The only one showing shocking disregard for life was the doctor who killed himself. Shocking disregard for his family's lives too.

His case was a sting operation. That usually involves tricking someone into selling illegal stuff or services to an undercover customer, not door crashing. Thought you knew that. So ... they should have just called him up and say what? "Hey Doc, is it okay if we come over to search your house for stolen artifacts you've been trying to sell to our undercover agents? Please don't dispose of the evidence before we get there. That would be greatly appreciated. Can we pick up some groceries for you on the way since we'll be going by the mall anyway? See you then. Have a nice day."

If you ever lived in Utah you would know all about religious bigotry. It's a fact and they don't have a problem with acknowledging it. Their Constitutional right. Fine.

Randy Weaver had nothing to do with BLM policing. He is a nut with guns who flaunts the law. Another person who wanted to play dangerous games. Unfortunate that he had to play games with his family's lives.
Hopefully you and your loved ones will never experience loss of loved one by suicide. Your callous view is sad.

I live in Utah. Raised LDS, now Catholic. Only bigotry I see in Utah is from hateful bigots like you towards LDS and usually other people of faith.

You're an idiot so here's the outcome of Randy Weaver. Man was law abiding citizen before govt entrapment. The man lost his son and wife. Hopefully Janet Reno is burning in hell.
Weaver was charged with multiple crimes relating to the Ruby Ridge incident – a total of ten counts, including the original firearms charges. Attorney Gerry Spence handled Weaver's defense, and successfully argued that Weaver's actions were justifiable as self-defense. Spence did not call any witnesses for the defense, rather focusing on attacking the credibility of FBI agents and forensic technicians.[25] The judge dismissed two counts after hearing prosecution witness testimony. The jury acquitted Weaver of all remaining charges except two, one of which the judge set aside. Weaver was found guilty of one count, failure to appear, for which Weaver was fined $10,000 and sentenced to 18 months in prison. He was credited with time served plus an additional three months, and was then released. Kevin Harris was acquitted of all criminal charges.[26] Spence later wrote that he took the case against recommendations from peers and friends who thought it would legitimize Weaver's racist beliefs. However, Spence countered that he emphatically rejected Weaver's extremist opinions but took the case because he believed the previously law-abiding Weaver was a victim of government entrapment and further believed the shooting of Weaver's wife and child were unconscionable.[27]
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