One way to stop a corner cross

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When politics begin to slide, the hunt season is a-foot with the champagne bottle busted across the first corner cross thread of hunting season! :D

Gain the mineral rights and tunnel a public access route right underneath, of course, leave a pickax for each person to do their best mining impersonation... :)
Corner tunneling, the good contribution from that rabble rouser from Colorado and legal weed.
That's the problem that I don't understand. It benefits many people and I fail to see how it hurts the landowner when done how this thread talks about, tile to tile. Now if you're saying it hurts a landowners ability to treat public land like his own then I can easily see how he would be butt hurt.

Ding Ding. We have a winner. It allows land owners and outfitters the ability to limit access to land they don't own. We own a small piece of cabin property in eastern Wyoming and it kills me to see how local ranchers public land . For years, before onX maps, they would run people off of public land saying that it was private. Now they want to fight over corner crossing to keep people out. They dont have a problem with tax dollars paying to fight forest fires on that land, but they don't want the tax payers footing the bill to access it.

I spent a fair amount of time looking at an elk tag around elk mountain and the access is horrible. There are only an couple small pieces of land that the public can access. I never got around to calling the local sheriff to ask his opinion about corner crossing. I have called the sheriff around our property and he told me that he doesn't have time unless some one is blatantly trespassing. This can caused one of the local ranchers to state he is "shooting first and asking questions second". It made me laugh. That type of attitude is only going to swing the gate the other direction and have the rancher in jail.
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I am looking for recent info on what this specific corner is like now in 2021, if you have any info please PM me! thanks
One thing to remember about forcing someone to give up a right, is that you give up the same right.
The right to treat public land as my own private land? I can handle giving that up.
Ya I think most reasonable people see this the same way. Arguing that the public accessing adjacent public land by stepping over a corner somehow damages the private landowner's property is a silly argument. The real issue is the private owner is butt hurt they don't have a monopoly on said public land. I've read many of the comments trying to defend their position like trespassing in air space, etc. Really?? How about just not being a jerk and acknowledge that the public lands are public? I own land myself, and there is no way I'm going to call the sheriff if somebody steps over my corner pin. If I wanted to, I should probably address my personal issues to figure out why.
The right to treat public land as my own private land? I can handle giving that up.
So, if it is easier for me to access the post office by cutting across the corner of your lawn it’s ok? If that’s ok how about if I access the post office via your living room, exit out the back door? My point being is where will it end.
Do Not think I’m trying to create an argument, I just want to know where it ends when we begin eroding property rights.
So, if it is easier for me to access the post office by cutting across the corner of your lawn it’s ok? If that’s ok how about if I access the post office via your living room, exit out the back door? My point being is where will it end.
Do Not think I’m trying to create an argument, I just want to know where it ends when we begin eroding property rights.
If you're stepping from one piece of public land to another piece of public land to access the post office...I don't care. Have at it.

You are creating an argument, a stupid one.
So, if it is easier for me to access the post office by cutting across the corner of your lawn it’s ok? If that’s ok how about if I access the post office via your living room, exit out the back door? My point being is where will it end.
Do Not think I’m trying to create an argument, I just want to know where it ends when we begin eroding property rights.
I don't want someone coming through my living room to get to the post office. Similarly, I don't want someone to ag trespass on my public land. I am weird like that. You are welcome Albus Farms LLC.;)Screen Shot 2021-06-09 at 8.21.13 PM.png
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One thing to remember about forcing someone to give up a right, is that you give up the same right.
I absolutely agree. Hypocracy is rampant nowadays. Sticking with a good moral compass is very important and I thank you for pointing this out. "Do unto others" is always a good way to live your life. If I was a rancher with adjoining public land (checkerboard), I would personally see no issues with people wanting to use the BLM/NFS/NP land. Heck, I would probably help them if I had time by giving them a ride to the back of my property.
Wonder how many would walk their talk.

Like your "honeyhole" on our public land? If you found access via an indiscriminate corner not totally adjoined, would you share it on hunt talk as an accessible route to our public land?

If you had the opportunity to purchase land that was fantastic... but for one fumbling point... it checkerboards public land that once had a celebrity helo in to hunt due it's challengingaccess... would you open a corner of your land to the public, publicly? The area you would personally hunt now inundated with those quality unknown public land hunters?
Better if you owned premier checkerboard land - would you enroll it w/ block management for open public access?

I've no doubt a couple of you may walk the entire talk... maybe the entire talk, maybe... I'm not soliciting a public declaration you would / would not. This is an internet forum with a large anonymous collection, after all.

Me? A few of these points... F no.
Block Management? Not a chance. I want my land respected.
MY premier honey hole exposed to every Tom, Dick, and Harriet because I allow untold public people access through my land? Watch the bulls turn to rags as big bull after big bull is dragged across the corner of your private land you opened to the open public?

Or... let's rationalize this: Is it the same to keep it hush to select tight friends? Would that be permissible corner crossing?

Maybe a couple of you who've killed your wall hangers... you miiight open the only corner of the checkerboard to the unknown turdbag public land hunters who don't give a rats about your land or for that matter, our public land...

Reality check internally... I'd support the fight to find some measure of public --> public access at private corners though don't think I'd advertise access to all the public through my property - aka enroll in BMA.

Nowadays, I'd likely lease my land or enroll it in the "Masters program".

**Respect and an arrogant sense of entitlement has devastated the public's access to/through private land.
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Many in Wyoming are aware of corner crossing and that it is neither legal or illegal in the state. The Wyo G&F does not write it as a hunting or fishing violation and most county Sheriff's Departments stay away from it too. Here is a photo from the Elk Mountain area and how a landowner is dealing with the public accessing public land. The T posts are drive into private land and the staggered signs make it nearly impossible to cross with touching them. Trespass?
If corners were marked like that you would know and if you were determined or not fat you would get through. With all the money that is being thrown around this may be a better path to public access. Go on either side and you would be trespassing. The corners aren’t always on the ideal spot and lazy hunters cut corners.
Many in Wyoming are aware of corner crossing and that it is neither legal or illegal in the state. The Wyo G&F does not write it as a hunting or fishing violation and most county Sheriff's Departments stay away from it too. Here is a photo from the Elk Mountain area and how a landowner is dealing with the public accessing public land. The T posts are drive into private land and the staggered signs make it nearly impossible to cross with touching them. Trespass?

If corners were marked like that you would know and if you were determined or not fat you would get through. With all the money that is being thrown around this may be a better path to public access. Go on either side and you would be trespassing. The corners aren’t always on the ideal spot and lazy hunters cut corners.
Then “lazy hunters” could and should be charged with trespassing. But the mindset that one can purchase 1/2 the amount of land to completely lockout the public from the other half which is theirs is complete bullshit. Justify it all you want via technicalities, it’s still bullshit.
I don't want someone coming through my living room to get to the post office. Similarly, I don't want someone to ag trespass on my public land. I am weird like that.;)View attachment 185438
So can we go harvest the stuff growing on BLM if we want?

Took me less than five minutes to find something similar near where I live. I’d guess it’s pretty common.

My favorite is being around new logging jobs and seeing very defined cut unit boundaries (flagging, paint or a road) and noticing the few large stumps on the wrong side of the line. I guess a couple extra big trees is hard to resist
I will confess to being a NR corner crosser in WY. It seemed like common sense during my first antelope hunt so I didn't even bother to investigate the legalities. I haven't done it since but the blocking off of public access seems like bullshi* to me.
the rights being eroded talking point tickles me more every time i hear it

the more bewildering thing is that ranchers and outfitters still throw up their hands and say "whoa why is there such animosity towards our industry?"
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So, if it is easier for me to access the post office by cutting across the corner of your lawn it’s ok? If that’s ok how about if I access the post office via your living room, exit out the back door? My point being is where will it end.
Do Not think I’m trying to create an argument, I just want to know where it ends when we begin eroding property rights.
"Trespassing POS better NOT have crossed from this corner of public sidewalk over to that other corner of public sidewalk! That's like walking through a man's living room and kissin' his wife!"
"I just want to know where it ends when we begin eroding property rights." Young Gun

Exactly! We are discussing the erosion of the public's property rights to access and recreate on public property ... the erosion caused by private landowners blocking access to public land, mostly for their own benefit at exclusion of the public property owners.
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