Yeti GOBOX Collection

One third of our public lands

First of all you were whining like a little girl over something Mr. Allen from the RMEF said, none of that was about an elected official. We are talking about politicians not leaders of the RMEF. If you don't like the RMEF, don't join them. I don't have the luxury to not join in what the Montana legislature decides because I am a resident of Montana. That is comparing apples to Tuesday.

Secondly I never said anything more that hold your elected officials accountable. If you think the Democrats are all that and a bag of chips that is fine. I have to deal every day with regulations and rules pushed through by Democrats and it sucks the big one. So far not a single acre of public land has been sold off through the push for State Control. So far the net effect of all the hot air is to energize the stake holders to fight it out to protect public lands. Apply the same net effect to my business of being in health insurance and see which party has affected me and my clients.

You are still butt hurt.


Yeah, I am butt hurt. Why don't you tell us specifically the awesome things we should be thanking our reps for? Off the top of your head. You have two minutes. I don't think you can do it.
Three minutes. Crickets. I know, I know, it is our job to tell you all the great things they did.

First of all you were whining like a little girl

You are still butt hurt.


It is the people who can disagree without being disagreeable who get it done.

So we've established that you are not interested in being a part of those who "get it done", and you don't understand what circular reasoning is either.

Much we have learned.
I'm relatively new here but I'll tell you my subjective feeling I got from this place when I first arrived: Mainly Republicans and Conservatives who really love hunting and love public lands. Thus, there is some hand-wringing and consternation when they must face the fact that many in their party are adverse to their interests.

Over the months I've been pleasantly surprised to see a few posters that are somewhat further to the left than I originally thought; but overall my initial read is still my sense of things. Thus, and because it's hard for a liberal like myself to find a home on the internet where a mutual love for guns and hunting can be discussed without fisticuffs, I try to remain civil and check my natural inclination toward the administration of written beatings.

In short, I don't now and never have gotten the impression that this place is full of Republican haters. Quite the opposite. If someone feels put-upon I think that feeling has all the foundation of a War On Christmas. :D

I would agree with most of that but that isn't what I said. I don't care much about anyone's personal politics. We all have opinions and you know what they say about opinions.

I said if there are people of principle on the right then they should not be painted with the broad brush of those who are from the fringe or far right. Like it or not they should also be patted on the back for the act of being reasonable. All the rest of the crap about that is their job, nobody said anything bad about Republicans and yada, yada, yada is simply a way to ignore the reality of the fact that the fight for public lands is going to be waged on the right side of the political aisle. If you burn down bridge that a reasonable Republican can cross where does that leave you if the Republican get full control again?

Do this and PM the owner of the this board and see how much grief he gets from the others who agree 100% with your liberal politics if he dares to affirm anyone from the Republican party ever for acting responsible

Yeah, I am butt hurt. Why don't you tell us specifically the awesome things we should be thanking our reps for? Off the top of your head. You have two minutes. I don't think you can do it.

I said for when they act responsible. I know it is hard to understand while you are drinking the Democrat Koolaid.

Enough moderate Republicans voted for getting rid of dark money in Montana that that got passed, enough voted to fund Medicaid expansion that is long over due, enough voted to agree with water compact. Not a single one of those bills would have passed without Republican support
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Dipshit I said for when they act responsible. I know it is hard to understand while you are drinking the Democrat Koolaid.

Enough moderate Republicans voted for getting rid of dark money in Montana that that got passed, enough voted to fund Medicaid expansion that is long over due, enough voted to agree with water compact. Not a single one of those bills would have passed without Republican support

Dipshit eh. Please continue to tell us all how to get along. Thanks.
. . . that isn't what I said.

My bust. I could have sworn you were saying Republicans were put upon here on this board. I better check my reading skills again.

As to the owner of the board, I'll reckon he can stand on his own two feet.
Dipshit eh. Please continue to tell us all how to get along. Thanks.

I have zero interest in getting along with you. You showed you colors a long time ago. That isn't even the same thing as working together in politics.

continue drinking the koolaid with your fellow liberals.

So we've established that you are not interested in being a part of those who "get it done", and you don't understand what circular reasoning is either.

Much we have learned.

I do get it done and I understand circular reasoning. We learned this much none of the low hanging fruit wants to read what is posted and jump to all kind of conclusions. That we have learned.

I have been at this 20 years are you saying the ACA is all great and has had no negative affects on my business or clients?


*IF* I were to take this thread and board off topic I'd tell you lots of things you don't want to hear.
My bust. I could have sworn you were saying Republicans were put upon here on this board. I better check my reading skills again.

As to the owner of the board, I'll reckon he can stand on his own two feet.

I will type slower. I said when a Republican acts responsibly and votes for public lands to remain public lands and good policy pat them on the back. Instead of posting that they are all scandal riddled evil money grubbers. Nothing more and nothing less.


Jeezzzzzz...................This is what I'm talking about. DITCH THE PARTY BS AND FOCUS ON THE ISSUE.

If you care enough about the issue then drop the party crap.
*IF* I were to take this thread and board off topic I'd tell you lots of things you don't want to hear.

I am all ears. there is a PM function that works just fine. I bet there isn't a single thing you can tell me about the ACA that I have not already heard, already lived through, already had to deal or had to help clients navigate.

This thread went to hell quick.

Nemont, There were about a dozen "moderate"(your words not mine) Republicans in the Montana Legislature that helped push the things you mentioned through. All of which only required a modicum of common sense to support. Roughly 20% of the Republicans in the MT Leg were "moderate". The question to ask then, is if 1 out of 5 individuals in a given contingent cannot be painted with the broad brush, is it fair to paint that contingent with the broad brush? At what ratio would it be fair? Not saying I have an answer, but you seem to be opposed to ever criticizing Rs as a whole for fear of what they may do to us in the future if given the power. There are arguments for and against such a position.

But really I am surprised.

little girl

Low hanging fruit? Pot meet kettle.
Nothing more and nothing less.

Actually, a lot more. But I'm not going back and quoting all your own posts again.

Let's try, instead, to change the direction a little bit and I'll ask you a question related to another post I made a few days ago in another thread:

If you are going to persuade, and if you are not preaching to the choir, and you have no interest in or expectation of converting a lost cause, then the only remaining eyes for your case are those attached to a mind that is not yet made up. Correct? If so, then as you type here in argument, assuming there are open-minded people here observing your methodology, what type of conduct would be most likely to bring them to your side?

I'm guessing that defensive, insecure, vitriolic name calling is not the way to go. But that's just me.
This thread went to hell quick.

Nemont, There were about a dozen "moderate"(your words not mine) Republicans in the Montana Legislature that helped push the things you mentioned through. All of which only required a modicum of common sense to support. Roughly 20% of the Republicans in the MT Leg were "moderate". The question to ask then, is if 1 out of 5 individuals in a given contingent cannot be painted with the broad brush, is it fair to paint that contingent with the broad brush? At what ratio would it be fair? Not saying I have an answer, but you seem to be opposed to ever criticizing Rs as a whole for fear of what they may do to us in the future if given the power. There are arguments for and against such a position.

But really I am surprised.

little girl

Low hanging fruit? Pot meet kettle.

That is a load of horseshit. If a Republican acts like an idiot I am the first to state it. So if 1 in 5 is enough to get legislation passed what happens when you lose that 20% that still want a functioning government? I didn't say spread rose petals at there feet and claim they are the greatest. I said give the 20% that had the courage to go against the flow of their party an attaboy. That is it, not once did I say NEVER talk bad about republicans. PM Big Fin about this issue. you may get an interesting response.

The only way to get through to most people on here that are wild eyed hippies is to call exactly what they are acting like. Koolaid drinking, dipshit, butt hurt, little girls, that is how the low hanging fruit can ever absorb anything.

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