Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

One hell of a shot


New member
Nov 12, 2004
North Carolina
Navy Seal Sniper.....deer hunting at a half a mile away.

Watch this really close. At first it's even hard to see a deer. This is
over a half mile away.

Navy Seal Sniper out hunting Deer (UNCLASSIFIED)

hell_of_a_shot.wmv (Binary attachment)
JM, nothing pulls up.
Even without seeing it, I might suggest that 1/2 a mile's /(880 yards) a little too far. I've shot 800 yard competition before, and it's not easy. Lucky to hit a 3'X3' backboard half the time -wind kills you. Figure if a deer is out that far he beat me fair and square. Coyote's another matter.
My neighbor signed me up for the 800 Comp. I used his bone stock Rem700 in .300 Win and a 4X10 Burris variable. He was using a rig that cost 4-5 times than the rifle he let me borrow. Needless to say he scored 2 to 3 times more often than I did. With winds gusting between 10-30mph I missed the backboard nearly 1/2 the time -my neighbor a 1/4 of the time... and he's a professional benchrester. Thought I did pretty damn good, considering. Money does indeed buy accuracy.
I'll say it again -anyone who shoots at an unwounded deer at over 800 yards IMHO isn't much of a hunter. Don't care how great of a shot he made... he's just another trigger puller. DD
Coyote's another matter.

dont understand that logic.....why is it ok to take shots at coyotes at 800 yrds but not a whitetail doe on a crop damage permit? splain that Dave if you dont mind.
Deer = Vermin

Yeah Dave, I'm kinda curious regarding you logic as well. Deer are so over-populated that certain areas have taken to hiring professional hunters to cull herds. Deer damage crops, destroy ornamental plants and are an increasing menace as a traffic hazard. It's getting to the point that states are issuing record numbers of tags to cut down on the populations. Not just for the reasons I listed, but for the deer as well; they've reached the point in a lot of areas where the land they live on can not support the burgeoning population. Take that shot if you're competent enough.
The Md boys here will tell you about the amount of deer here. I have been hired to shoot deer for as much as 200 buck per deer.

Dave I understand what your saying, put it in bow terms any shot over 40 yards has to many variables. I will not take one unless it a wounded deer and I have the chance to finish it.

Hunting to me involves getting as close to the game as possible. I'm not much of a gun hunter and never hunted with a rifle. Although I am deadly at long range shooting.
I'm ALL ears,regarding the distance in which "Hunting" becomes "Shooting".

I look forward to a dildo that's never killed anything of merit...stepping to the podium and exopounding those "virtues". .............
Big Stick, are you 100% assured a kill with all the variables there are at long range shooting ? Of course not. So why rick it ? If thats what you call hunting plinking at a deer at 1/2 mile away your a better hunter then I am.
I wasn't going to say anything but I could not stay away.

If I took the shot at 800 yards.......... Well it would be like ............... Lets just say it going to happen.

However I know the military sharp shooters take shots like that on a regular basses and have somehow figured out how to read all the variables. Can they still wound the deer? Yes but there chances of making a clean kill are 100% better than mine.

Again practice, know your affective range and stay within it. That range for someone else is not for me to judge. 800 yards for me way out side my limitations.

One military guy told me about one of their sharp shooters shooting over 2000 meters and making the shot cleanly. Practice is the only answer for that.
A good friend of mine is on the Maryland rifle team and he is one of the top shooters in the country. I can agree with allot of practice shots like that can be made. But is it hunting. Military guys I spoke to are hunting for different reasons. Plus they are not taking the shot for meat to eat or worried about leaving a wounded animal stranded across a river to suffer.
Shooting or Hunting?

If you're shooting at an animal with a projectile weapon you're hunting. From gun-powder stippling range to as far as you can competently shoot, you're hunting. If you're shooting only then you're not shooting at an animal.
'bow says,

"Big Stick, are you 100% assured a kill with all the variables there are at long range shooting ? Of course not. So why rick it ? If thats what you call hunting plinking at a deer at 1/2 mile away your a better hunter then I am."

I shoot 30lbs of powder a year,as a minimum and it's been a long while since I've been forced to guess about much.

Was shooting a 22" 7-08 stoked with 162A-Max @ 2700fps today,to 1K and doped 13MOA windage CBS...on the money.


You've less than ZERO concept...................
Here's a hell of a shot -- 7-08 stoked with factory ammo, 3 MOA as is. Here's the first shot from it from the owner, a 7yr old. Work to be done, no doubt, but those with smarts should recognize this as a deadly combination.

Click HERE to see the first shot.

I suspect it's a genetic problem..

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