Caribou Gear

One hell of a shot

GREAT VIDEO. I loved the look on his face after the shot. I started my boys on a 7mm-.08. Looks like you got a winner there on both counts.
By the way, when he outgrows that stock, you can send it up north to Big Stick. Him and a seven year old probably have the same LOP.
Cool clips there Greenhorn. Priceless:cool:

Centerfires are irrelevant for deer hunting in my state. Illegal:rolleyes:

But I am curious to bullet performance on a deer at 30 yards and 800 yards with the long range rifles.
But I am curious to bullet performance on a deer at 30 yards and 800 yards with the long range rifles.

Nut read this...some good info here.
Cartridges and Bullets
One of the keys to successful long-range shooting is in shooting a quality bullet of high ballistic coefficient at high velocity. As the weight of a bullet goes up for any given caliber and if the shape stays the same, the ballistic coefficient goes up, as does the sectional density. Another way of increasing the ballistic coefficient is through stream-lining of the bullet's shape. This is the reason for boattails and long pointed hollow points.

For extended range shooting we are interested only in bullets of the highest ballistic coefficient. For example the 30 caliber 220 grain Sierra has a ballistic coefficient of .655. Compared to the 150 grain Sierra spitzer with a ballistic coefficient of .409 the heavier bullet is the clear choice for long range work. Using the figures in the Sierra manual, firing these bullets out of a 300 Winchester magnum the top load listed will give us a velocity of 3300 fps with the 150 grain spitzer. The top load with the 220 grain Match King yields 2700 fps. At 1000 yards however the 150 are travelling along at 1254 fps and have 524 ft-lbs. of energy. The 220 however is moving at 1491 fps and has 1086 ft-lbs. of energy. Bullets of higher ballistic coefficient are also as a result less affected by changes in the wind.

Bullets should be selected on the following grounds. They must be accurate at long-range and of high ballistic coefficient. ............continue reading here:
GH- I'm digging the rest he's using! :D Don't know if they'll have in town, but Remington does make Managed-Recoil ammo for the 7-08...
Nice reading...however would a long range bullet do enough damage on a shot at 30 yards for a short recovery?
338 rum at 30yrds with a Nosler Accubond........thats just plain ugly!
Wouldn't a 338 be a bit overkill for whitetails?

no, they prefer being real dead as opposed to just about dead. ;)

How much over a whitetail would someone have to aim with it at 800 yards?
depends on caliber, BC and velocity. dont think these guys are holding over...they are dialing their scopes for that distance.
Would the bullet perform the same once it hit the deer?
not sure exactly, but I would assume you would have well over 1200 ft lbs of energy with the 338 Rum at 800 yrds.
did you watch any of the video's ? they are delivering dirt naps impressively.
JB, a 295 grain powerbelt pushed by 90 grains of Pyrodex kills the heck out of a whitetail just as well at 30 yards. (A 125 grain Muzzy broadhead does the job also)

This is the entry of the powerbelt.


If I get to a rifle state again it will be with a 30/06 or a 6.5x55 and 100 yard shots max for me..
I'm sure that fruit on a fencepost,is as good as you can muster your brood. THAT is a glaring shame.

Try Critters.

They are more satisfying.

Kids prefer it to fruit.

They also garner satisfaction,doing what Montucky kids can't.

Christ Nut, if you are gonna set a 100 yrd limit on yourself you could keep the would want to switch to Shock waves cause those power belts dont shoot worth a poop.
Christ Nut, if you are gonna set a 100 yrd limit on yourself you could keep the would want to switch to Shock waves cause those power belts dont shoot worth a poop.

I hunt in the woods where it would be lucky to see 100 yards much less shoot it. I will admit that I probaly would rather hunt in another state using a bow or muzzleloader though.
I hunt in the woods where it would be lucky to see 100 yards much less shoot it. I will admit that I probaly would rather hunt in another state using a bow or muzzleloader though.
Nut, you are welcome here anytime for a black powder hunt. still got the pink dress? ;)

While I'm certain you know more about dick,than you do could for ONCE take the prick out of your mouth.

Then again,you ARE a creature of habit....................

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