One Eyed Game Warden?

You think informants never carry? They're going into a possible deadly scenario, their finger pistol won't work very good against real killers. Things go on that don't get asked about, and the informants don't always have a charge hanging over them. That's a myth or something the government would like the public to believe. Just because you say it, doesn't mean that's how all things work.
Every informant I have ever worked with was searched before the deal. How many informant have you worked with..not the ones you watched on TV? The ones I worked with were absolutely not armed. Good story though. Sorry you got a ticket for trespassing and were stopped by Rooster Cogburn with a machine gun and satellite cameras.
I've kinda skimmed through the last 5 pages. Has the OP graced us with the location of the incident?
If no, I propose a poll with a prize for first to correctly guess the state of the alleged atrocities. I think the odds are pretty good we talkin east of the continental divide.
As everyone knows, one eyed Wardens and machine guns are prohibited in most Western states.
I've kinda skimmed through the last 5 pages. Has the OP graced us with the location of the incident?
If no, I propose a poll with a prize for first to correctly guess the state of the alleged atrocities. I think the odds are pretty good we talkin east of the continental divide.
As everyone knows, one eyed Wardens and machine guns are prohibited in most Western states.

I’m calling Missouri. It could be Arkansas, eastern Oklahoma, or east Texas. But this smells very Missouri like. Which if it’s from there makes the story plausible.
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