Caribou Gear Tarp

One Eyed Game Warden?

Informant carrying gun, DNR with machine guns, abandoned property, DNR loosing deer hunting lease, skeletal remains, and old lesbians poisoning an old man, also dead cows.

WTF is happening here?

I saw Skeletal Remains open for Samhain in 86 in the back room of an AMC dealership in Sheboygan.

Awesome set.
It's obviously way over all of your heads. There's more to the situation, but I won't share antymore than this. The back story to this, is that the hiker worked as an informant for the FBI at the time, and worked for the feds as an informant for a couple decades. State Game Wardens in a neighbouring county were kicked off their hunting lease, because a missing person's skeletal remains were found on the warden's and LE deer lease. The hiker being a long time informant and in the field leg man became a target of the state. I won't try to convince you all of corruption and how it works. Narrow minded people can't and won't comprehend obviously. Your loss, it's a real life and current situation.

Ill take SH#% that never happened for 100$ Bob
It's obviously way over all of your heads. There's more to the situation, but I won't share antymore than this. The back story to this, is that the hiker worked as an informant for the FBI at the time, and worked for the feds as an informant for a couple decades. State Game Wardens in a neighbouring county were kicked off their hunting lease, because a missing person's skeletal remains were found on the warden's and LE deer lease. The hiker being a long time informant and in the field leg man became a target of the state. I won't try to convince you all of corruption and how it works. Narrow minded people can't and won't comprehend obviously. Your loss, it's a real life and current situation.

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