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Once in a lifetime bird today

Cool. Never heard of one much less seen one.

Did you know that's what it was...or was there some post-harvest googling?

Edit: had to Google it myself and learned something new today...thanks again HT!
Cool. Never heard of one much less seen one.

Did you know that's what it was...or was there some post-harvest googling?

Edit: had to Google it myself and learned something new today...thanks again HT!
I was pretty sure that’s what it was….definitely have learned how to spell it correctly this evening. My buddy I was hunting with has killed a leucistic mallard in Saskatchewan. He said he read in mallards it occurs in one bird in 80,000!
Every year we fish at my favorite lake. For five years running we would see a leucistic Canada goose swimming around. Only I never heard the word leucistic before so it was just, "Hey, there's that weird goose again." every time we would see it.

Learned something new today.
Thats cool!! Had one living on the property a couple years back. Never could get a good pic of it.

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