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Oklahoma HB 3462 is now law


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2018
North Dakota
Bill language:

"Hunting and conservation groups say the CWD Genetic Improvement Act poses a risk to Oklahoma’s wild deer herds because it’s based on emerging science that has, so far, only been studied in captive deer populations.

It’s not so much the research itself but the way the state wants to implement this research that worries them: private landowners will be allowed to buy whitetails bred in captivity as soon as 2026, and release them onto their own low-fence ranches and farms."

@Hunting Wife , would be great to read your position. More often than not, the vast majority value/respect your thoughts.

Still around?
I'd prefer them to just leave well enough alone stuff like this normally compounds the problem it rarely solves it. But I will add IMO it's a better alternative to the "kill them to save them" tactic employed by other states. It's definitely based on emerging science but couldn't that be said about all cwd research?