OK, we know I'm not smart.. But G*$* D#M it !! !!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, my oldest is 9 going on 22 and there are no shortages of me posting how smart he is. He has won his reading for his grade level 4 years running. He reads alot. Wins trophys, Monies, and is in gifted class's. He loves all the other subjects too, jsut loves to learn. anyway, I'm very suportive. I even went to the class they provided for the parents of gifted kids. (Remember me saying do do in that class and was almost kicked out ?!?! :D)

Anyway, so he is goin gto represent his school class in a spelling contest for all the schools in spelling. YAh, no big deal, 4th grade spelling, he's smart, So what. So tonoght I help him before i leave to play some ball and he has a list of like 700 words he needs to spell.

Don't ask me what they are, I'm dumb and can't remember stuff.... Anyway, every now and then I'd read some word and he would spell it corectly. (well he spelt 99% correctly) but I knew he didn't know the word.... So I asked if he knew what it was and I would explain it.

Now.... I came accross one word I couldn't read... I started sounding it out. You know, clap the hands. MO (Pronounced MA) NO (Pronounced NO)TO (Pronounced TA) NO (Pronounced NO) US (Pronounced US).

So I say the word, He looks at me like ... WHAT ? And then tries to spell it. I'm thinking what is this word. I explain that MONO is "ONE" Like MONO E' MONO. (SP? Remember, I can't spell.. bare with me).

Then I'm thinking ... Tonous.. WYF is that ?!?!? Then.... It clicks.. It's Mo-not-onous NOT MONO-TONO-US.

I must be the Biggest Idiot in the world.|oo |oo I pronounced it like some Indian tribal leaders name.

I guess spending alot of time with the kids is great, I truely do that and I think they like it... But I'm afraid it's not making them no smarter ;)

Anyway..... I'm feeling like KING DUMBY again tonight.
We'll sign you up for the "Smarter than a fifth grader" game show. Hey I know how you feel the kids seem to be getting smarter these days. My 3 yr old is taking Spanish in preschool.....I guess it's so she cna communicate in this state.
Learning languages early is good.. my boys learning german and Spanish. Kids at an Early age pick that stuff up fast !!!!

MONO-TONOUS........|oo |oo
Moosie how about you put that in a sentence for us.:)

Congrats to little #1 son.. credit the wife , stay at home moms,hump their the best!
Congrats to your son.Its amazing how smart kids are.I'm pretty sure my 2 1/2 year old is smarter than me.Of course maybe I deserve some credit though according to cjcj since I was stay at home dad for the first 2yrs.
your son is probably thinking Dad sounding these words out is getting real MONOTONOUS.
I know how you feel Moosie, I barely made it out of High School, and when my kids needed help..I had to turn it over to their Mom the college grad.
You still haven't told us what it means...:confused:

Well your son must have gotten the smart stuff from the wife, maybe one of your other boys will pick up on yer financial savy...:)

I think that is cool...you sound so proud of your son.

Someday if I ever have a kid or two I'm sure I'll hope they accomplish a hell of a lot...And even more so than I.
Moosie, I have 3 son's They all look to me when it comes to hunting and fishing, but when it comes to books I have never been asked a question by them. I married a Sp. Ed. Teacher. Thank God, and she has done the educating around my house.
My daughter makes me feel like a moron whenever she 'shows' me how to do stuff on the computer or loads my ipod. I'm a true techtard.
My 4th grade daughter is in advanced classes to for smarter students. She brings home advanced math homework and alot of the times i dont have a clue on what shes doing, i dont like when she asks for help on that homework. My yougest will also be testing for the smart kids class. They dont get it from me thats for sure.
I feel your pain My daughter is in 5th grade reading at a 10 grade level. 3.9 gpa in all the advanced classes. She doesn't try real hard most of the time and breezes through everything. I think it has to do with the hormones they put in the chickens!!!!.
We watch that show about being smarter then a 5 th gradeer and she sits there and laughs and laughs at those people. I just keep my mouth shut so she doesn't laugh at me too!!!
Good for you Moosie. My oldest is in the International Bacluretate (I can't even spell it) program in high school . When I enrolled him they told me he'd have tons of work every night Home work till midnight Blah, blah, blah. I think once now in 2 years he's actually had to bring something home to work on. The kid is just phenomonal, As and Bs all the way. My Daughter could do the same, her test scores are higher than anyone in the school (including upper classes) and have been since her brother left for high school. She's just lazy and wont do the work.

I'm just glad they didn't get my dixlexia with numbers. I was top of the class when I was a kid in everything but math. The simple math, you know add, subtract, mutiply, devide I'm as good as anyone, throw a few letters in there and I'm lost I just can't wrap my brain around it . X+X = beer
moosie..just think, at least he'll be able to get some kinda college money, if he keeps up the grades and the classes..more coin for hunting for you.
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