Hunter safety


Well-known member
May 31, 2022
The wild west
So my wife just got back from hunter safety class and she passed with a 94%, missing only one question I lightly scalded her on, and the other two I would admit I would have missed, because of interpretation.

She had to do a firearm demonstration to the teacher. We practiced a bit last night which ultimately paid off for her.

There was a younger fellow there who was asked to load a rifle with the correct cartridge. As we all know, this can be fatal if you don’t do this correctly. This guy couldn’t get it right after 3 tries. He was asked to leave.

I sit back and got a bit humbled. Sometimes the easy things we all are accustomed to are hard to decipher by others. As a result of such, there was 3 chances this guy would have been seriously injured or worse. 3 times.

I’m not picking on the dude, and if you are reading this, I’m sorry if it was interpreted that way. Sure, it’s a very simple procedure. But I just think of what “could have been” if the firearm demonstration was not a part of the class….

Her passing the class was a great reminder to remember the simple things and the safe things.

Anyway, my wife will now be contributing to the already tough draw odds. Sorry!
"There was a younger fellow there who was asked to load a rifle with the correct cartridge. As we all know, this can be fatal if you don’t do this correctly. This guy couldn’t get it right after 3 tries. He was asked to leave"
What was he doing incorrectly? Loading a .270 in a .308 chamber?
"There was a younger fellow there who was asked to load a rifle with the correct cartridge. As we all know, this can be fatal if you don’t do this correctly. This guy couldn’t get it right after 3 tries. He was asked to leave"
What was he doing incorrectly? Loading a .270 in a .308 chamber?
Yes. Don’t know about the specific cartridge, though.
It would have been nice if somebody would show him how to do it correctly before asking him to leave.
So I probably should have provided some clarity to this. In WY (and I assume other states), you can either take a 3 day class and learn all of it from an instructor, or you can take the class on and pass the online course, come to the 4 hour class for a quick overview, firearm demonstration and test. This particular one was the four hour class. In the online course, it does give a lecture on firearm safety which did include placing the right cartridge in the right gun.