OK.. Some more Pictures and a short Story...

OK, the way things really went...
Moosie gets to my house Friday evening about 10:00. We head down to the bar for a few drinks. The smallest guy in the bar tries to pick a fight with him. Moosie totally wimps out. It was pathetic. We proceed to get very drunk.
We get home very late and head to bed. I wake up a few hours later from a strange noise. I walk out into my living room to see what is going on. To my surprise, I see my 2 dogs, Booner and The Yeti, double teaming Moosie. I think Booner was in the front and The Yeti was in the back. Moosie was loving it.
2:00 PM came early the next day. I get Moosie out of bed and we head down to Mammoth Hot Springs. We drive past all the buildings and get to a place where there are usually a bunch of Orientals taking pictures of elk. I tell Moosie to walk over that small hill a few hundred yards away and there should be an elk for him. Several hours later he gets to the top of the hill and Kablaam! He turns around giving me the thumbs up sign. Blood starts pooring down his face. The scope on that little 243 nailed him right between the eyes. I climb up there in about 2 minutes. We wait for dark and then out of the park we head with a good bull in the back of the truck.
Congrats! I've never been beat up by an animal, especially a dead one! Those MT boys sure seem to have a slice of heaven.

Are those pants they type with the fly in the back???;) I'm with Greenhorn, where is WW sticking his head with a condom on it???:D
Nice story, except for covering. 15 miles blindfolded, right. That's a really nice set of pictures and a great elk. Congratulations.

Glad you didn't get a ticket.
Wow, Moosie, that is a truly great bull.
Congratulations man.

How do you hike that far when your butts sore ?
You Da Chit Man!!! I'll take'em like that anyday!!!! WTG!!!! Sorry, about that little bit of whoop-ass that critter administered though!!!! :eek: :eek:

That's a hell of a nice looking bull. The first photo makes it look huge. I have a feeling the last one with WW getting ready to pack it out is more realistic. It's to bad you're married. Because if you are as good as picking up chicks off the internet as you are at picking up hunting partners you'd be bangin Victoria's Secret models.
Yetti, HAHA.. If I was Single, that chick that you were talking to (AND GOT DISSED BY
) at the bar would have come home with me...... :D :D Also, I did marry a Victoria's secret model that lets me hunt ALOT and works full time and watches my Future hunters in the evening... Can't beat a deal like that :D :D

YAH, I have picked a few good hunting partners over the years, I make them think I'm in shape and Realy like to hunt, then they trust me with thier hunting spots, Once they find out that I really can't shoot and like to hunt only 100 yards from the road they are stuck with me by then,,,, Lord knows I hope the secret don't get out
HELL, Just ask BigSky if I can hit anything :eek:

AA, For some reason they think that Texans are in Montana, therwise We'd be in full camo !!

I do have a heck of 2 freezers... This bull is already given away. JSut not enough room. BUT I jsut happen to have some room on the wall for the bone though !!

Ithica, THANX !!!

Nightcrawler, Twas an unforgetable moment, MAtter of fact, My wife asks me why I remember all my elk/deer/bear kills but can never remember her B-day.. I tell her I hunt Becasue I know I kill an Elk the day before her B-day every year .. HEHE

Anaconda, It's a tallent *WINK*

KC, If that picture bothers you, You won't want to see the picture that I'm posting n the next few days !! HAHA

W.W., YEP, Thanx for ruining the story, I make up this long elaborate story and you tell the truth, I guess thats what I get for getting carried away and making all that stuff up about you in my post....Also, I like your new Signature, Can I tell stories of how you find all your hunting spots... *SMILE*

Thanx Kraven....

1-pointer, BEAT up by a dead critter was my first too, W.W. came back and knew right away what it was.. I guess thats common with LARGE elk. I guess I never had that problem before, I usually just put the antlers in my pocket !!!!

Cali, Only the cute JAP. chicks...

F.G.H., Heck yah, I'm clearing room out in my single wide for it now... I just dropped the cape at the taxidery and starting the instalment payments !!!

TOM, What a dork, I wasn't blindfolded the WHOLE way... Just 1/2 !!!

DS, Well, Yah kill what ya can I guess ~~

Ithica, Lord knows I can't find my way out of a box, And never kilt anything solo before !! HEHE

OAK, yeppers, The first one sucked.. When it happened, and looking at my mug that close *EEK*

Roland, I do make an Adventure out of Gonig to the store, MATTER of fact, when I was at the store with Greenhorn on a scouting trip, HE was buying something and I snuck up and asked the lady "Do you have and GAY PORN MAGS for my friend, He's kinda shy to ask..." I never thought I could see greeny get a red face .. HAHA !! THEN there was the time that......

JB, Kind of like watching the Jeraldo show.. Ain't it !!!!

ElkHuntinMD, MAybe not the CHIT.. But lucky at least !!! No worrys on the Elk, I guess after admining a 180 Grain through his chest, I deserved to get knocked down once.... I let the first time slide, If he had done it again I'd of gotten out the boxing gloves !!!!
Moosie, you are developing what the montanny boys call..REAL ULTIMATE POWER!

BTW..did WW crap his pants? :D
Then I guess those old stories about injuns guttin' ya with an antler are only partially true.

There were ninjas in them thar hills :eek:
WELL.. If W.W. is willing to tell the real story, I will too, That boy takes a crap EVERY morning !!! The 2nd day going in he took a growler in the bushes in the dark. He either dropped his paper or forgot it or something. I didn't have any with me either... 1 hr into our hike He farmer Blew his nose and it started bleeding. I'd of hated to be him jamming Snow up the nose to get it to stop. EEGADS !!!!!

BUt to answer your question, YES, that boy Craps alot !! He also pee's almost as much as WYLEE !!!! ;)

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