Sitka Pre Season Savings

OK lets get the lieing started!!!!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I had a request for Fishing "SPOT" so I created this one. I will break it out later as special interests come in and people use this topic.

like :

"fishing w/ a pan.. "

I will see what most topics are talked about the we will expand from there....

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


No need to dissect this into a bunch of subsections, Oscar.

But what a good page!

I'm a hard-core fisherman: I'm an absolute walleye FANATIC and I catch a few King Salmon now and then, too.

It might only be me posting here, but I'll be here all the time... I love to fish!


VEGETARIAN: Indian word meaning 'Bad Hunter'
Forget it Yoop. You don't get this fresh clean new board all to yourself. I grew up in Hawaii fishing anything that swims. I'll match you lie for lie. Who starts?

Dan AZ
Here is a couple of fish I caught here on the Salmon River in Idaho. I let them all go now and these are average sized steelhead in the 28"-30" range.

you guys just hold on a minute this boy lives in florida and thats about all we have to do when we cant hunt
this is gonna be fun!

mtranch, damn nice fish man! they will look much better smothered in butter.

yoop, we all know how much you guys in the U.P. are into your salmon by far the best smoked slamon iv ever had has come from up in your neck of the woods i think its a requirement to live there

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
Lies what lies? Fisherman don't tell lies they tell stories and after tonight tomorrow and Sunday I shoul d have a few stories for ya

head'in to the hole
Move over Yooper ...I'm gonna cast my Lindy rig w/ the floater and leech. Didn't know you were a Walleye fanatic. Me too. Its the Minnesota state fish don't ya know. Fishing is good therapy, and I'm sick on a regular basis! In fact I need an ice fishing fix this weekend perhaps.
MTranch gets the 1st pics up on the Fishin' Hole board.!!!! Man MT, them is nice 'uns. I like mine w/ fresh red potatoes, onions and asperagus.
I love it , damn now I wont have to visit those other fishing sites.

Nice fish MTranch.
I enjoyed steelhead fishing in washington state ,My first one was a summer run in the green river on a fly weighed 8 lbs. fought him for about 15 mins.

Thanks guys, Dand sparkman I live in Idaho no red taters here onle bakers LMAO but they are a lil muddy tasting and old from a 900 mile journey by the time they get here ewwwwwww better smoked actually. DELW, yeah you all got to hammer the silver steelies after they start up the Colunbia, I am gonn get to fish those one of these days. At least fishing here is a good excuse to drink beer LOL ooooops did I say that out loud????

Originally posted by Delw:
I love it , damn now I wont have to visit those other fishing sites.


Yes you do.. Get them to come here...

PS Delw do you want to help watch this section? I'll check the post when I gt back....

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


MTranch how do you post a pic of yourself with fish?BTW nice fishs.

I love to fish .I usually get a couple of trip's a year in early spring.Last year we got my sister and brother-in-law up to a lake and did some fishing. I cought most of the fish and of course had to give them a hard time.We were all sitting next to each other and tom would tell me I had the best spot so id move and still catch fish.I was tring to tell him how i put my hook on and what i was using but he didnt want any part of that.After a while my sister asked me to fix up her pole so see could catch something,tom is like ha it's a fluke.I got my sister all fixed up and she started catching fish.So now im really busy because I have to bait her hook and take her fish off(she doesn't want to mass up her nail's LOl)and Tom by this time is trying real hard to catch up with me.The next morning he get's up real early to start fishing before I get there (is what he said.)So i finally find my way down and he say's I dont know it's pretty slow this morning.First cast i hook one,he look's me in the eye and goes ok here's the( fish *****)Im done LOL.What a bunch of sore looser's.LOl Now if I could get Steve really into the fishing.I love the river's but can't take my sister out if she has to use anything but bait,she is worse then a kid with a lure, I spend more time getting her untangled then I do fishing,so it's here drown a worm and dont move.LOL


[This message has been edited by Muledeer4me (edited 01-13-2001).]
I'll help watch this site. np i'll be here and at the varmit site all the time any way.
My 2 favorite sports

Where's the lies? I remember on an Albacore trip once, we couldn't find any albacore so we headed toward the beach off of Ensanada and fished for Opah. We trolled Meptz Spinners around the mouth of the estuary and caught several on their annual migration up stream to breed with tree frogs.

Dan AZ
Great idea, boss!

My family and I rented a 55' houseboat on Lake Mead a couple years ago. We all took our own individual bass or ski boats. Had 5 boats total, plus the houseboat, and the stripers were hittin' hard n' heavy! My boat is a 21' bass/ski boat, and I took my nephew out to catch some monster striped bass. Of course, to give everybody else a CHANCE, I took my ultra-light rig w/ 4 lb. test. I latched on to one about the 3rd cast, and settled down for an all day battle. We were right out from Katherine's landing when I hooked this monster, about 6:00 a.m. At 10:00 that nite, I finally had that fish wore down to where we could get him to the side of the boat. This was at Greg's Hideout, about 80 miles from where I originally hooked this brute. When I finally got him to the side of the boat, I jumped on his back and stabbed him to death with my 12" Rambo-gonnagitcha-dontchawishyahadone knife. When all was said and done, we had two boatloads of coolers, filled with fillets, from this one fish. If I can find the pics, I will post them. Honest.
Big D

"Keepin' 'em in the black"
"Coalition, Strong, Proud, and Growing"
"If ya wanna save a tree, then eat a beaver"