
I only get to make a big trip every other year, this is the year. I will do without something, but I am going on that trip! Gas prices are bad enough, but with diesel going up, everything we buy will be more expensive.
I guuess Bucnutz and John Cushman will not be coming out to Colorado for the beer and hookers with these gas prices!

I'm moving this year, Africa next year...but I'm planning on 2013 when I come out to Idaho to hunt Colorado too that fall....we'll meet up for beer and hookers...even throw in some strippers and hunt pronghorns Charlie Sheen style
Couldn't agree more DevilDiverDown.As soon as people start to go nuts about the price it will fall.You really think Obama wants high gas prices going into this fall?No a chance!!New presidential candidates will be coming out this fall and he already has the worst economy on his back.I'd say gas will be right around what it is today or less
I'm just waiting for him to blame Bush for this somehow,lol

The previous administration did little to advance a solid, sustainable energy agenda, same as the three administrations before them.

If we could have drilled our way to energy independence, it would have happened between 2002 - 2008.
If we could have drilled our way to energy independence, it would have happened between 2002 - 2008.

Call me a crazy loon, but you don't think there is a chance our gov hasn't done it out of fear of keeping the middle east in check as well as too many big companies that have their hand in the pot?? In my eyes it is all about power and greed.
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The previous administration did little to advance a solid, sustainable energy agenda, same as the three administrations before them.

If we could have drilled our way to energy independence, it would have happened between 2002 - 2008.

Call me a crazy loon, but you don't think there is a chance our gov hasn't done it out of fear of keeping the middle east in check??

Nail on the head, Ben. Our leadership, going way back, has failed us mightily in this area, in particular. To lay it at the feet of 1 administration, or in some cases, 1 party would be foolish. Even more foolish would be those who buy that tripe.

Fowl- Not sure how staying at the Middle East teat keeps that circus in check. Please elaborate. Crazy loon. ;)
When you look at imports v/ exports of crude, we're still only going to account for a small percentage. The oil is where it is. If it's in Kyrgyzstan, then that's where they drill. If it's in Williston, then game on.

The other problem is, as is stated above related to the oil shale in CO,UT and WY, is that it's too expensive to get to right now. When oil hits x/barrel, then the rigs get active. When it drops, they get mothballed. Same with Nat. Gas. It's all market driven. And the market controls congress and the exec. ;)

We've hit peak oil, and every discovery from now on carries greater risk. The Gulf suffered from that increased risk last summer (which, btw, National Wildlife Federation is doing a fantastic job on getting things back in to place.) Oil sands projects in Canada have some pretty big impacts, and even places like the Upper Green bear the impacts (50% reduction in Mule Deer herd, pollution worse than LA on some days, etc).
The price of gas does not affect my hunts or my app's. When I get the chance to go, I go. Tomorrow is promised to no one, so I never want to have the regret of the "should've gone's." I am blessed to have a wife who understands this and lets me go if she can't come along. As soon as my son is old enough to hunt the western states, his app's will go in as well & no price of gas will keep him from going on his first big game hunt.
I'm with you Wally Dog..

Investing is what I do for a living...I'd much rather have the market back over 14,000 and gas at $4+ all day long...
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