Odocoileus hemionus

Am I reading this right, as in you passed on a buck you thought scored 194?

I forgot my sarcastic font. The first time I saw that buck was when it was posted here. Surprising, as I've yet to see a farmlands deer (other than that one) killed this year that I didn't bump into this summer.
This has been a great tag to be following, it certainly looks like you're getting the most possible out of that tag. Really looking forward to when you notch the tag.
Tough pass on that one Randy, I hope you're rewarded for your patience.
I forgot my sarcastic font. The first time I saw that buck was when it was posted here. Surprising, as I've yet to see a farmlands deer (other than that one) killed this year that I didn't bump into this summer.

Gotcha. I was going suggest you get mental competence exam.... ;)
The buck you passed is a tank! But you made the right choice. Tags like this dont come around too often, enjoy the ride!
Great photos Randy. Just keep that wild woman Katie22 from posting photos of the guy wearing the Stormy Kromer hat, taking a dump next to a fence post and we'll all be good.
Passing on that buck is something else. Just seeing a buck like that is quite a thing. The ruts kickin in and you have a good three weeks ahead of you.
Just keep that wild woman Katie22 from posting photos of the guy wearing the Stormy Kromer hat, taking a dump next to a fence post and we'll all be good.

You act like I have any say in the matter.

Last weekend was a dud. The combination of warm mid day temps and me spending half my time looking for my GPS didn't equal productive hunting.

We located this buck on Sunday, I watched him one night during archery season. He's a younger buck with awesome potential. He's probably high 160's now, with a narrow frame and super deep forks. Hopefully he makes it a couple more years-


Really crappy picture, but this deer is over 30" wide, but is missing back forks. Cool buck nonetheless-


Roadside rutter-


I keep bumping in to these guys also. People get real excited when I point them out to them. I don't get it-


I also heard of two different bucks getting poached. A damn shame that we can't have a resource like this without people getting greedy.

I'm stuck in the cubicle today, but should have 13 of the last 16 days to hunt. At this point in the game I can't image there's many, if any other tagholders left.
Keep at it Randy you'll find one that's worth it. Keep me in mind if you need a partner for a day or two. Seeing as how you were there when I killed my career muley I wouldn't mind being there for yours.
I haven't seen a bull on public land since bow season!! But I do see plenty of these farm bucks, lawn ornaments, etc around the area.

Good luck in the end of the season, I hope you find what your looking for!
Deep Thoughts

How nice would it be to have a second zipper, right below the normal one? I hate standing up to take a piss.
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And here I quickly looked thinking you'd have a big deer.

I too have been watching this thread waiting for Randy to post a picture of a killer buck. Good luck in your remaining hunts and thanks for with holding those pics that don't pass the Mrs Fin filter.
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