Caribou Gear

NY Lead Ammo Ban - Passed Assembly

I can assure you a 62 grain Barnes out of an AR 15 does plenty of damage to anchor a coyote in a hurry. I field tested it a number of times.
Good to know, I have 55's that did well on small-medium sized pigs. I just picked up some 62gr the other day.
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Here is a link the NYBHA's statement and a link within to send a note to your NY rep (for the one or two others on here).

thanks for the link, just sent to my rep. I expect he already opposes it but the more voices the better.

i'm 1/2 surprised it wasn't in the recent budget, seems to be where they like to push non financial agendas. i'm not opposed to switching to a non-lead option but as others have pointed out wait until the shelves are starting to get product back again

Mostly I haven't had an issue with a couple of exceptions, shotgun slugs... I know federal and other make them but I've never seen copper slugs on the shelf, and turkey loads... I'm sorry $15 a shell is stupid.
Remington copper solids are a sabot round, and they kill deer like nobody's business. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a non-toxic option through their rifled slug barrel.
Remington copper solids are a sabot round, and they kill deer like nobody's business. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a non-toxic option through their rifled slug barrel.
Do they even make rifled copper slugs for a smooth bore?

There is a high correlation with lead bans and state laws banning or restricting online ammo sales. Point being if I could find smooth bore copper slugs I would either need to ship them to a friend/family member out of state or find them on a shelf locally.

The fact that Remington makes those copper sabot round doesn’t really matter unless you can find them.

I shoot copper in my muzzy, and in all my rifles… etc but I’m with @bigfin it should be voluntary.
Do they even make rifled copper slugs for a smooth bore?

There is a high correlation with lead bans and state laws banning or restricting online ammo sales. Point being if I could find smooth bore copper slugs I would either need to ship them to a friend/family member out of state or find them on a shelf locally.

The fact that Remington makes those copper sabot round doesn’t really matter unless you can find them.

I shoot copper in my muzzy, and in all my rifles… etc but I’m with @bigfin it should be voluntary.
My comment was about the options available. I think it should be a voluntary option- I'm moving mostly towards non-toxic, but I strongly disagree with it being mandated.

Let the market demand cause the shift, not some ignorant politicians concerned with maintaining power.
Do they even make rifled copper slugs for a smooth bore?

There is a high correlation with lead bans and state laws banning or restricting online ammo sales. Point being if I could find smooth bore copper slugs I would either need to ship them to a friend/family member out of state or find them on a shelf locally.

The fact that Remington makes those copper sabot round doesn’t really matter unless you can find them.

I shoot copper in my muzzy, and in all my rifles… etc but I’m with @bigfin it should be voluntary.
As far as I know, smoothbore shooters are SOL in areas that mandate copper. I'm with you on the voluntary thing, but if you're going to be living the dream in Mass for more than a couple of years, you might consider getting a rifled barrel. They're pretty impressively accurate.
My comment was about the options available. I think it should be a voluntary option- I'm moving mostly towards non-toxic, but I strongly disagree with it being mandated.

Let the market demand cause the shift, not some ignorant politicians concerned with maintaining power.
I’m definitely going to get a cantilever rifles barrel for my 870 and some of those slugs… groupings I’ve seen are amazing.
Do they even make rifled copper slugs for a smooth bore?

There is a high correlation with lead bans and state laws banning or restricting online ammo sales. Point being if I could find smooth bore copper slugs I would either need to ship them to a friend/family member out of state or find them on a shelf locally.

The fact that Remington makes those copper sabot round doesn’t really matter unless you can find them.

I shoot copper in my muzzy, and in all my rifles… etc but I’m with @bigfin it should be voluntary.
By the way, can you even imagine what a 12 gauge tungston rifled slug would cost....? 😅
By the way, can you even imagine what a 12 gauge tungston rifled slug would cost....? 😅
What I can’t figure out is why the lead free 00 buck is 1/2 to 1/3 the price of the turkey #4.

It’s a big gubment conspiracy I tell you
What I can’t figure out is why the lead free 00 buck is 1/2 to 1/3 the price of the turkey #4.

It’s a big gubment conspiracy I tell you
Call me crazy, but I'll bet it's more than just the cost per weight of the shot. Seems like turkey hunting stuff is rife with price gouging. Shotshells: $15.00 each. Plastic decoy that would cost $7.00 if it were a kid's toy: $100.00
What I can’t figure out is why the lead free 00 buck is 1/2 to 1/3 the price of the turkey #4.

It’s a big gubment conspiracy I tell you
They claim it's the specialized wads, shot buffer packing, and specialized type of shot (copper plated). I'm not buying it, but I do have a good choke tube.
They claim it's the specialized wads, shot buffer packing, and specialized type of shot (copper plated). I'm not buying it, but I do have a good choke tube.
I can buy a box (20) bismuth #4 and a box of copper plated buckshot 00.

For the price of 5 TSS turkey shells 🤯
I switched to copper bullets for all my hunting 2 years ago. I do wish there were slipperier bullets available, but options seem to be getting better. Just ordered some Badlands Precision 140's for the 7/08 today.

On this particular topic I do wish that States would emphasize education rather than immediately taking the regulatory route. I would rather save the regulatory firepower for more pressing issues and using it as the first pitch is a sure fire way to foster resentment.
As states pass these lead bullet bans, if folks are not reloaders, the cost and availability of nontoxic rifle ammo will cause regulation noncompliance issues to soar.
I still shoot lead (pretty much entirely because it’s what I still have, considering nothing is available) in my rifles, really wanting to make the switch to non-toxic.

Just a question here though, I am old enough to have had the pleasure to shoot waterfowl with lead before the Federal switch to non-toxic (steel was the only available at first) happened in the late 80’s.

I use bismuth for WF and UG, when it can be found.

My question: if it were voluntary then, do you think anyone would have switched?

I personally think we would still have 90%+ of waterfowl hunters using lead, even 35 years on.

I realize there are differences in the comparison, but there are similarities as well.
I have mixed feelings about copper vs. lead. I've been giving copper a try, but have only used it twice. First was a 150-grain Federal copper into a bear. Killed cleanly, but the expansion did not impress me. In 2020, I tried a 165-grain copper (same Federal type as the 150 before). This bear was treed, and I was forced to shoot through the upper arm. In this case, I was very happy with the performance, because it smashed through the bone. Bear was dead before he hit the ground. Yes, I was picking fragments out of bear meat, but as it was copper it didn't concern me from a health standpoint.

So based on my tiny sample, I suspect the copper holds together better but I have yet to see good expansion. The cheap Core-Lokts and Federal Fusions seem to expand better.

Now that I'm not using .308 for bear, my commercial round selections are very limited. Last year I tried a Federal Vital-Shok, which judging by the drawing appears to be about 80-90% copper. Not helpful from a legal standpoint, but if meat contamination is your concern, much better than standard cup-and-core.
Unfortunately, it also seems that the price gap between lead and copper rifle ammo is narrowing, but not in the way we'd like. I'm seeing standard Core-Lokts going for $40/box, with copper only slightly more expensive.
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