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NRA !!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Feb 27, 2002
once again the NRA called me wanting me to renew my membership. i let my membership expire because they push the youth membership but when my kid joined it was almost a year before he ever got a magazine, membership card or anything despite my frequent phone calls. once he finally got something it was one of their money begging letters. i couldnt beleive they sent that to a 9 year old kid. my membership expired over a year ago and i still get a phone call from them several times a week and letters at least once a month. i believe in the right to keep and bear arms and think organizatrions like the NRA are important to each one of us but i think if the NRA needs all this money maybe they should get rid of all those telemarketers and sell that huge building in virginia and get a building with less overhead. i do support pro gun organizations but to me the NRA is more of a bussiness to raise money than an activist group. maybe im just a putz but i cant stand it.
I get tired of them, too, Tim. But I still give when I can and keep up my membership. I may disagree with some of what they do, but they are still the biggest pro-gun group around, and the numbers do count when they talk to politicians. As far as your boy not getting his magazine or anything, I would have been all over them about that!

I also support Gun Owners of America and Gun Owners of California and the Rifle and Pistol Club of California. In fact, I'm so tired of the NRA "neglecting" California politics (I refuse to give up!) that I send most of my $$$ to California groups.

BUT I still maintain my membership in the NRA since the numbers mean a lot to politicians!
So how much did your son donate, is he a big giver, maybe that is it? I like to renew at the gun show here, we get in to the show free when we do that. Sorry to hear about the mess ups. I hate getting those renewal notices starting a few months after you renew, that's the way it works for me, so I just do it at the gun show here. He can subscribe to the e-mail news from them, that is good and its computer driven, so it comes with less human error, I think. They have special things for kids, it would be neat to connect on that for him, if you could somehow.
well there really our best voice against gun control so my family and friend`s feel it it essential to support them. i`m a proud member.
I agree that they send out to much junk But i also think everyone that ownes a gun should be a member numbers speak very loud I think NRA is a big part of the reason we have Bush for Pres. instead of that gun hating bastard. Now if we could get someone to close our borders and get all the illegals out our crime rate would drop at least 50%
Kill all them illegal bastages
.....I love this country.......
Warts and all, were it not for the Nationl Rifle Association, not one person here on this board... or in the United States, would own a firearm LEGALLY.

They would all have been banned/outlawed, many years ago, by the communistnazi politicians in D.C., and the various Statehouses.

Tim I don't blame you one little bit for not renewing..It seems to me that the NRA has gone from the National Rifle Asso. to the National Radical Asso.

I was a life member of the NRA, until the Executive Vice-President came out and called the President of the United States a JACK BOOTED THUG, with a picture of a Nazi attached to it..Then this same twit comes out at the National Convention a few years back, stands up, and says that kids have a right to carry guns to school for protection, and for the shooting sports..

Now don't get me all wrong..When I was growing up, I did quite a bit of competitive shooting starting in high school,then inter-national, and olympic style.. In fact I use to carry my rifle(in its case) to school(on the bus) and give it to the coach every Monday, Wednesday, and for the match on Fridays..I'm a stong supporter of the shooting sport, and Becky would like to see me get back into it( she says it makes her hot to watch me shoot

As long as the NRA still has that dip of an Executive Vice-President in there, I could give a rats ass if it folded..As far as being a criminal when the anti-gun nuts get them all outlawed,,what the hell,, they have better guns than me right now so I might be able to up-grade..But when the NRA does get rid of that radical ass bite, then I would reinstate my life membership even if it cost me twice the amount..Until then, when they send me a letter with a return envelope, I just send them my junk mail back at their expence..


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-06-2003 11:14: Message edited by: Hunterman ]</font>

Everyone I know feels more or less the way you do. Everyone I've talked to is unhappy with the constant barages of solicitations for donations from the NRA. Many have called the NRA and all gets the same canned answer. These mass mailings bring in a lot of money. But they also piss a lot of members off. I believe there is a number you can call to end the solicitations, but I don't know what it is.

So I will still be a member, but will not contribute finnancially until they change their ways. My time and money will go to the freinds of the NRA. Money raised there, goes specifically towards shooting facilities and shooting events. Our local gun club has recently received a grant to add a trap house and build a new rifle range facility. The only way to get them to change is if enough members voice their displeasure.

NRA members not wishing to receive all the letters or phone calls can call (1-877-NRA-2000) and have their name removed from the begging list. Monthly magazine and yearly dues will be the only thing you should receive after that. tnctcb, sorry to hear about the problems you had with the NRA. The NRA field representative for Fla. is Al Hammond 1-386-462-5421. Give him a call. For those who wish to find their field rep. go to look for the nra program icon on the left of the screen and click on it, then click on the field representative icon. Hope this helps.

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