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Thanks for bringing this back to the top just when things were quieting down. I read many of your posts that basically said, please guys let this go, the guy has had enough. Then YOU decide to bring this issue up again. I already said I screwed up and appologized for it. WHAT DO YOU WANT?? I am not going to kiss your a$$ just because you have been at this site longer than me. Hey Bcat, I am not here to please you and I am not going to appologize to you again. As you said, Moosie will have the last word on this and HE is the person I need to appologize to (which I have) not YOU. Yeah, what I did was wrong, and you may call me a liar, but I'd rather be a liar than a hypocrite!! Now I am ready to move on and forget all this, that is IF YOU ARE. I had honestly thought that you and I could get through this and really get along better, but obviously you don't want to. I am a live and let live type of person, but if you come at me with clinched fists, you better expect a fight!! By the way, it is funny that this comes up exactly 30 minutes after I told another user that I was getting ready to post a new lion picture, is that a coincidence or are you trying to divert attention? The good thing is that everytime you respond, folks see more and more of the real you.

"The worst advice you can give a person with a sour attitude is to be himself"
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 01-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 01-22-2001).]
Suit yourself BCA-That seems to be the way you do things!! You dont deserve a reply to your post, and you were the one to bring it back to the top again. You never sincerely apologized. You said you screwed up but it was my fault for deleteing your post to Justin, which he had addressed to me. Instead of owning up to it like a man, you put it off on me in the end. All I want is a sincere apology, for several things. First of all for the accusation via private email of stealing your website design! I have had mine since way before I ever knew of you. Second of all for lieng to me and others on the forum. You already apologized to them, but it was far from an apology on my part. Third apologize to Moosie. There was NO excuse no matter how ya cut it for that kind of horseplay. Funning is one thing but you werent funning around. Everybody makes mistakes and I am sure you feel bad about what you did but I am not satisfied with the apology at all. This isnt the only tricks you have been up to, and I am watching ya. I will never trust you again, and everyone else will have to decide for themselves. I aint out to ruin you, but you havent done anything for me to respect you for YET!!!!! I aint asking you to kiss ###, all I am asking for is a humble apology, accepting blame for what you did. Wasnt my fault so dont turn it around! I am willing to let it go just like I forgave Klinton for lieing to the american people. SAME THING IN MY BOOK!!!! This forum was started by a few of us from HIS, mainly the "COALITION MEMBERS" and we needed a place to go where we could speak our mind and tell it like it is. The bunch that started here is a different bunch, and I think this kind of thing you did wont fly here!!! Moosie has a good thing going here and I for one am gonna help him keep it that way. This is the exact thing that ruined HIS, and I dont think MOOSIE will satnd for this type of thing either. Selling hunts seems to be your main goal here. Thats fine to have free advertizing, I used it a little but not very much. People here will book a hunt if they want to, and dont like to be pushed. FORUM POLICE or wahtever ya want to call it, someone has to watch out for these kinds of things, so innocent people arent decieved, and conned into something that nobody knows for sure about already. You came on here like a rocket ship, and maybe a little too fast as in being desperate. We all like your pictures and the stories, (mostly true) but nobody likes what you did last week. I am not condeming you, thats for someone bigger than me to decide, but dont cross me, I am no dummy, and I will call BS on ya if I know better. I hope this makes some sense to ya and if things go right you will be back on track, but I think its up to you Eric! Ya stormed back in here like nothing happened, and I for one would like some closure to the whole thing, and I think you are man enuff to doit. As far as the threats I am gonna ignore them for now, and Pretend I didnt see them. Moosie may nuke them too!!! I dont know but dont mess with me BCA!!!!! Ya wont get far. I have been here since day one and iwas in on the first of the coalition on HIS, and you aint gonna come in here and do this, what you have done and have any luck. Take care and I hope you consider the options, and take responsibility for your own actions. Now is the time. You dont need your new found friends to do it for you. Do it yourself. It would say bunches for your character. I am sorry if I have been extra hard on you, but I am a forgiving soul, if a person owns up to what they have done. Good luck and I hope this is the last post on this subject except the apology. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
B'cat, you asked, REPEATEDLY, for everyone to let this thing fade, and it has. So why get it all going again? I think civility and a calm board are good things.

And MuleDeer4Me bullying you? Please! one ever bullyed you, I'm pretty sure of that. BCA should not have to show shame, or apologize anymore for that matter. He is an idividual, and should be able to post as long as he keeps it clean. He should not have to please you, me, or anyone else. All you have to do is ignore him if you have a problem with him. You can't make everyone on this forum conform to what you think they oughta be. You should let it go, and count on everyone to decide for themselves, just like you said in an earlier post. No need to try and lead a "lynch mob" against this guy. I have enough faith in these people to make their own judgements.

And like I said earlier on this topic, there are many here who have also posted unregistered before, so let's try and not overreact here. He said he did wrong, you exposed him,....Let's move on!
We've had enough crap on the board lately, let's follow your advice and let this thing fade......
BCAT... DANG IT ALL! You just got yourself out of one jam and now your back in it again? WHY ON EARTH would you want to go and start another ROW? Yes it was a momentary lapse on the part of BEAR CREEK. Considering some of your own faults I would THINK you would WANT to just let this small infraction go! He DID NOT do it to get more business HE DID IT TO GET YOUR GOAT after you goaded him and goaded him for weeks!!! Can't you see that sometimes folks get all they can take and then mistakes of judgement start to happen? Can't you also see that unless you yourself are blameless and I hazzard a STRONG guess that your life isn't all that perfect? Forgive me but I AM SO ANGRY with you because everything was going so WELL! You cannot just let things rest? I do not understand! AND before you go saying how new I am remember that you said If I have been reading posts on here for as long as I have I am not new ..... I have watched you for a very long time and I have sometimes felt sorry for you and other times wanted to punch your everlovin' lites OUT. YOU HURT PEOPLE dont you see that? YOu won't forgive but if folks knew what you or any of us have done in our own lives and businesses perhaps you would be the one begging for forgiveness. I kept silent so long because I thought generally folks would begin to see what I have ...THAT MOST OF THE TIME YOU ARE ALL FOAM (at the mouth) and NO BEER! Yes I am ANGEEEEEEEEEERRRY... Just yesterday I congratulated you and your good behaviour and that EVEN THOUGH YOUR APOLOGY TO DS WAS INCOMPLETE AND LUKEWARM ALSO! You accuse Bear Creek of that and my goodness gracious... you just did the same? BUT WE ACCEPTED it and were proud of you just the same. NOW CAN YOU PULLEEEEZ Do the same for Poor Bear Creek? WHen has there been enough suffering and embarrassment leveled? Unless you want folks to start POINTING OUT SOME MAJOR FAULTS etc.. of yours... i suggest STRONGLY THAT YOU BACK THE HECK OFF!...ok now I guess I'm on your shit list too. THIS WOULD NEVER have happened if you hadn't done what you did SIX DAYS AFTER IT HAD BEEN PUT TO REST! SHEEEEIT



***Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea*** :)
Bcat, You truly are a joke. I call BS on the part about you saying you are no dummy.I have yet to see where you have proved any different to me. I am glad to see you learned to spell and use punctuation in your posts,so I don't have to reread them 2 times just to figure out what the hell kinda crap your spewing out this time.Again, thank you so much for watching out for all of our well being "oh mighty one." God forbid any of us try to figure out on our own what to believe or not to believe.
Don't even bother replying to this cause your opinion does not mean a damn thing to me any more.I am sure you are just sitting and waiting for these opposing posts to come in , so you can show your almighty power and use the nuke button. So just go right ahead , as long as I know you read it , I am happy. Oh and by the way I have been on this site much longer you have, so don't confuse me with a new guy. TF
TF there are a few things that I never make fun of on a forum
1. Someone elses spelling
2. Someone elses sentence structure
Because after you type your post and read it there is always something wrong with it!!!
This is not a englis or grammer web site so dont try to make it one.

Oscar can you please delete this topic???

BCA post your stories and pictures and everyone take it for what its worth....

Bcat can we all have a beer?

Take care guys

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