Caribou Gear

Nothing but opinionated BS

As you saw, central PA is a nice place, shame it's got two sh#t holes on either end.
I would love to do a coast to coast drive someday, but definitely not in 4 days.
Great post. Thanks for sharing!

I think the ugly cities in Wyoming are a good thing. Keeps the libs in Montana and Colorado (except Jackson, and Sheridan is suspect). Just keep driving on through and ignore the abundant game. Maybe one western mountain state will be spared from lib policies.

I live in Arkansas and yeah the eastern US sucks and I avoid traveling east of the Mississippi as much as possible. Too many cities and traffic. Arkansas is pretty gross too and nobody should come here to duck hunt.
You ain’t never been to Sheridan then.
There is your problem. You used Google. If you would have just asked any of us nice friendly wisconsinites, we would have gladly gave you thr low down and share with you the secret spots for the goods
Well you head on down there and straighten those sumsabitches out.
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Read the menu. Look at the pic. That's aView attachment 231818 gd mini mozzarella stick. Both places. Don't bullshit a bullshitter.
Ask the waiter and you can get them fresh, not fried. I know they recently tore down their building and completely rebuilt so maybe it's not the same it was 10 years.

You can also tell the places that buy frozen cheese curds (your glorified mozzarella sticks) vs the ones that use fresh and batter themselves if they are offering fried curds
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Cheese curds are the curdled crumbs from the cheese making process and skimmed off of the top as they float to the surface. Fresh cheese curds are HOURS old, not months or years like aged cheese.

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If they are more than 24 hours old, they are no longer cheese curds. They are just pieces of cheese!

Cheese curds are also not modified in any way after being removed from the vat. No added seasonings, i.e. dill, ranch powder, etc.

Part of the true cheese curd experience is occasionally getting a curd that all the salt stuck to in the vat and making your face pucker up!