Not Political, no axe

OSHA definitely wasn't around then. Kind of even looks like an empty flask in hand, unless that was his water bottle. With the working conditions as they were, IIRC there weren't that many deaths, but then again, my memory may be shot:)
Can you imagine trying to stand on that I beam in those slick-soled dress shoes? Makes my hands sweat just looking at it. Even with a harness and safety line, I wouldnt go anywhere near it.

Those folks must have been truly desperate, fearless, or stupid. Maybe all 3.
The Empire State Building's comment 😅

The construction of Hoover Dam, approximately same time-frame is pretty interesting too... included high-scalers swinging from ropes off cliffs w jackhammers to carve out canyon walls etc. Over 96 deaths during construction!


It was stated for every $1M spent on construction = 1 fatality.

There was really no regard for danger. The workers embraced the danger as some sort of machoism.
1 million bucks in 1925!? I’ve seen more fatalities than that on ONE overpass in San Antonio 😂

Funny, my coworkers all think I’m nuts cuz i literally dance on the walls when I set trusses and stuff. Anyone ever seen “The Jerk”? 😂😂😂😂 5 1/2” walls let’s have dance off for (1925) old times sake