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NOSLER wants to see your success

IMG_0174.jpg first time posting here, not sure if this will work.

This was my 2014 west river South Dakota muley taken with 7mm-08 handloads using H380 and 150gr. Nosler CT Balistic Silvertips at 273 yards.
Federal Premium ammo loaded with a 100 grain Nosler Partition bullet in .243 caliber. 90 yard off hand shot. Made nice small round holes in the hide.DSCF1660.jpgDSCF1662.jpg
We had a good run in 2016 sad to say it is almost over! All of these animals were taken in AK with my Tikka .308 super lite using 165 grain Nosler AccuBonds other than the moose (300wm with 180g Partitions) and the bears (338 with 250g Partitions)

We had a lot of firsts this year: wifes first ram, my first brown bear, buddy's first brown bear, buddy's first goat ,buddy's first moose and everyone's first reindeer!
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CA OTC public land Blacktail Taken with Hand loaded 7mm-08 with 120grain Ballistic Tip with nosler brass. Sorry for the lung butter but those bullets vaporize lung tissue. Took a Doe antelope in WY less than a week latter with same load. I get about .5 MOA accuracy out of my stock rifle with them.
I know it doesn't show success yet but I've got a feeling this beauty is going to have some critters under it's belt. Excited to give this custom 28 Nosler a try next season. Just picked it up this week.

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It's a Bartlien Sendero barrel 26" 1:8 twist. Remington 700 action, Timney trigger, Greybull Precision Stock, NWP brake. I have to give credit to Crittergitter for tempting me. He bought one as well except his has a sweet diamond cut flute on the barrel and action. I bought it used from a guy who had in built in October. Can't wait to get it scoped. Supposed to be insane accurate. Hopefully Critter will get on and post his up. It's beautiful.
My whitetail i shot a few weeks ago with my Howa 1500 6.5 creedmoor shooting 140gr nosler ballistic tips

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Montana 2016

Nosler 180gr. Accubond in 300 wsm. First mountain goat at 160 yards.


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Both fell to a 140 Accubond from my 270. Hopefully I'll be able to try them on a bull elk next fall
Wyoming whitetail that will be a TV star in 2017. Nosler 165 grain Partitions from a Howa Alpine Mountain Rifle in .308 Win scoped with a Leupold VX-6 2-12X

A ten year old girl's first deer using 160 gr NABs.

2 new guns, 2 tags, 2 days of hunting, same great ammo

I purchased 2 new guns this year. The first is a ruger american predator in 260 remington and the second is a Tikka t3 in 7mm rem mag. I purchesed the 260 rem yearly in the year and was able to do some load development and get an amazing come that would shoot .5 moa. This was going to bee my deer rifle so i was using 130 gr Nosler AccuBond. The 7mm I didn't pick up tell a little later and didn't have time to develop a load so I picked up some 160 gr Nosler Trophy Grade AccuBond ammo. I was lucky enough to draw a couple tags this year too. My father (with a deer tag) and brother (with a bull elk tag and had already shoot his deer) went up to the trailer the night before to make it out for an opening day hunt for his elk. They both tagged out before i joined then for the evening hunt. While they were woren out from the day, I went out by myself on an evening hunt for my deer and was unsuccessful which wasn't that big of deal. The next morning after the rain stopped we went out more to show my father as this was his first time at this location and enjoy the mountains before we headed home. As we stood there enjoying the view I noticed two white spots that didn't belong. Sure enough 2 bucks were standing there about 250 yards out. This buck was the smaller one which we didn't find out until late after the 130 gr AccuBond put him on the ground as we could only see the back end of the big one. It was great to have my father there to share the success that he has helped me achieve. Now fast forward a few weeks to opening day of my cow hunt. We weren't able to get out opening morning but made it up later that afternoon for the evening hunt. After hiking to the top of the ridge we spotted a good herd of elk about 900 yards out. We put the stalk on and got with in 500 yards of where they should be and couldn't see them. Got with in 300 yards of where they should have been and couldn't find them. Finally we got with in 100 yards of where they should have been and they came up from where dropped down out of view. I picked a nice quartering away shot and let the 160 gr Nosler Trophy Grade do the rest. It was a long ways back to the truck and I didn't get home until 2 am but it was worth it. This year was one of my most successful years hunting big game. It was also the least time consuming year hunting big game as my wife is used to being a hunters widdow from Sept to Nov. I felt comfortable with my new rifles knowing I didn't have to worry about my ammo. What a great year thanks to Nosler.


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Accubond formthe win!

Vancouver island blacktail
260 Remington handloaded with 140gr accubond at 2800fps.
Through and through 21 steps to recover

5th animal with this set up, none go far.

Very best,


These are my daughters first Elk and first antelope. Both shot with 6.5 creedmoor with 129 grain nosler long range. Both animals one shot one kill performed perfect!
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