North Dakota State University 3-peat

If so, sure is a Smalls World.

I see what you did there...

I tailgate with my in laws but know most of the big tailgate rig guys. I would bet there were 20 or so fully decalled buses in attendance. A typical home game in Fargo has 12-15k people tailgating before the game and it's estimated there were 17k+ in attendance at the game in Frisco.

If the bus was called "The Original Bison Bus", then that is my bosses rig.
You guys travel real well - you came into the Fort with that HUGE contingent of buses and whopped the Rams good. Great party people and great fans! GO bison.
I see what you did there...

I tailgate with my in laws but know most of the big tailgate rig guys. I would bet there were 20 or so fully decalled buses in attendance. A typical home game in Fargo has 12-15k people tailgating before the game and it's estimated there were 17k+ in attendance at the game in Frisco.

If the bus was called "The Original Bison Bus", then that is my bosses rig.

I believe it was the "North Dakota State Tailgating Crew" or something like that.
Hey , I srewed up when I badd mouthed the Bison. I was Drinking that nite and admitted it. I said I'm Sorry. As far as not liking it here it's more the cold than anything That's why I left Lake Erie 36 years ago.I have met alotta Good people from here. Also was sour on My deer hunt experience here. Turkey hunting was a different story. 5 out of 6 Farmers I asked let Me on. Deer is a diff. story as they have family and friends that been hunting it for Years. Don't really blame them, I whould prob. be the same way. And 2 actually told Me they don't like all the new people coming here cause they can't get tags now. Like I said ,I am Sorry to all and it won't do no good for none of us if the bashing keeps going on. Big Fin has this site for us to enjoy , not fight. I'm sure He doesn't appreciate what I did either. We all have our likes and dislikes ,I just wasn't smart enough to shut up. I will Honestly say a Big congrats to the Bison. They did 3 in a row and it is a feat at any level. I know I will still be hated here by most. That's life. I created My own hatred.......Sincerely,, BOB!

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