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North Dakota State University 3-peat

Just cause I havn't said anything good About N. Dakota that makes Me a bad Guy or as I Guber said an Iddiot.. Hey congrats to Your team. That's all You got up here.. I hope they keep winning ..Its a whole different culture and life style than I am use to. .Some One show me some thing to like here and I will it. the Southwest part of the State is OK ,but that's it. Where I come from 70-80% of the State is Beautifull. Mountains , both desert and pine covered. Over 200 golf courses in the Phoenix area. All 4 Major sports ,2 nascar races a year. The biggest golf tournament in the world ,The Phoenix Open Major college sports. And Most important Great Hunting. The Most beautifull Desert in the World. Lush Resorts and swimming pools every where. If You guys ever lived there then came here to work You whould be depressed too. Yes I don't care for it here, but here to Make $. I will stick it out 5 more years till retirement, then back to AZ. I do have Respect for You Folks that live here ,and I respect Your land and keep it clean. My answer when people say it's to hot in AZ. is hey we go 2hours north to the pines and Your out of it. Rest of the country when it gets hot or cold You are stuck. Also there are 600,000 people here and 6 Million in AZ. Tells ya what majority of people like. The thing that soured Me on this State is the hunting situation as far as Private land goes. only 18% is public and most of that in the west where it takes for ever to get tags. AZ. on the other hand is 17% private. You pick a unit get drawn and go hunting .where You want. Had 5-6 Folks said they could get Me on land and then all Japped out come time .Nice. Sorry to piss You Nodaks off. Really aint my nature, but I'm sure everybody has places they don't like ,We are all on this site cause for our luv of hunting, Hope You all get the tags You want this Year. ,PEACE and all have a great NEW YEAR.......BOB!
I watched the No Dak game since Bohl is coming to Wyoming. One thing that caught my eye was the lack of black players on the No Dak team. The only time I ever see that many white guys on a football team is when I'm watching a local high school game. As someone who attended UW in Lararmie, I can attest that the brothers don't like the cold. Apparently its the same in Fargo...
Race shouldn't be an issue. We have some very good football players regardless of ethnicity.

Bob, just a suggestion here, but if you quit drinking you might be able to retire in three years. Just a thought.
I watched the No Dak game since Bohl is coming to Wyoming. One thing that caught my eye was the lack of black players on the No Dak team. The only time I ever see that many white guys on a football team is when I'm watching a local high school game. As someone who attended UW in Lararmie, I can attest that the brothers don't like the cold. Apparently its the same in Fargo...

I would say the team is representative of the upper Midwest racial/population distribution. NE, WI, MN, ND, SD, MT and WY. Where would you find a population concentration of black citizens? Other than Milwaukee and Minneapolis, no where. Take a look at the roster, not many outside of upper Midwest.

FBS and FCS colleges have, and will always have difficulty recruiting top tier athletic and talented players from southern power house football states. (EX Texas or Florida) because of the weather.
Smalls, I drink 1 nite week, as I have CDL. I don't even think of a drink during the work week. Whats that got to do with My thoughts any way. Most people here drink every day. When I first moved here there was a article in the USA Today paper on drinking and North Dakota was listed as the # 1 binge drinking State in the country. But if it make Ya feel good to call Me drunk ,feel free. Far from it. I grew up in the inner city in Pennsylvania before I moved to Az. in 1977. and can handle all bashing You guys want to dish out.I was bashing the State here, not the people. Like I said I respect the Folks Here. Sorry I pissed a few of You off.......BOB!
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Had 5-6 Folks said they could get Me on land and then all Japped out come time .

When I went to school at NDSU, this was never my experience in ND. We were able to get out on lots of nice private property. I felt the landowners that we encountered were very friendly and generous. In some cases they didn't want us out there opening weekend, since they were hunting then, but we were allowed to hunt after that.
......I was in a bar tonite and the dumb local said...... They don't get it here.......the more Folks I meet the more I feel like I am in the 70's These people just aint with it..........BOB!

I can tell you have a lot of respect for the people. How do you feel when you don't respect them? So you were in a bar on a Monday night (but not drinking because you don't drink on weeknights) Were you just watching 80% of the hacks that won't be able to make it to the NFL?
I was drinking .I am on days off. But what business is it of yours . Go ahead and get started on Me.. for no reason. You aint even in N, Dakota.,,,,BOB!
When I went to school at NDSU, this was never my experience in ND. We were able to get out on lots of nice private property. I felt the landowners that we encountered were very friendly and generous. In some cases they didn't want us out there opening weekend, since they were hunting then, but we were allowed to hunt after that.

That is probably because you were respectful of the people and landowners. Imagine that you don't think people are idiots and they open their property for you. Maybe a key element to being invited and allowed on farmers land, lesson to be learned for some. Might want to take notes Bob.

By the way do you purchase you bows from Schaffer archery. Used to work for John and your setup a look familiar
For no reason Bob? Come on meow. You post something incredibly ignorant and are surprised that people call you on it?

But hey, I respect you so that makes it OK in your book, right? I'm just trying to support my fellow "fat slo white guys"
Just cause I havn't said anything good About N. Dakota that makes Me a bad Guy or as I Guber said an Iddiot.. Hey congrats to Your team. That's all You got up here.. I hope they keep winning ..Its a whole different culture and life style than I am use to. .Some One show me some thing to like here and I will it. the Southwest part of the State is OK ,but that's it. Where I come from 70-80% of the State is Beautifull. Mountains , both desert and pine covered. Over 200 golf courses in the Phoenix area. All 4 Major sports ,2 nascar races a year. The biggest golf tournament in the world ,The Phoenix Open Major college sports. And Most important Great Hunting. The Most beautifull Desert in the World. Lush Resorts and swimming pools every where. If You guys ever lived there then came here to work You whould be depressed too. Yes I don't care for it here, but here to Make $. I will stick it out 5 more years till retirement, then back to AZ. I do have Respect for You Folks that live here ,and I respect Your land and keep it clean. My answer when people say it's to hot in AZ. is hey we go 2hours north to the pines and Your out of it. Rest of the country when it gets hot or cold You are stuck. Also there are 600,000 people here and 6 Million in AZ. Tells ya what majority of people like. The thing that soured Me on this State is the hunting situation as far as Private land goes. only 18% is public and most of that in the west where it takes for ever to get tags. AZ. on the other hand is 17% private. You pick a unit get drawn and go hunting .where You want. Had 5-6 Folks said they could get Me on land and then all Japped out come time .Nice. Sorry to piss You Nodaks off. Really aint my nature, but I'm sure everybody has places they don't like ,We are all on this site cause for our luv of hunting, Hope You all get the tags You want this Year. ,PEACE and all have a great NEW YEAR.......BOB!

I been to the Phoenix area a number of times. We have many friends there and I've gone on a number of deer and javelina hunts. Know where all the AZ folks that I know hunt and fish? BC, Alaska, Wyoming, Colorado. Unless you want to hunt stink pigs and OTC archery deer, AZ hunting is overrated. If you want to get a tag every 5-10 years, then it's prolly alright. I know a resident friend that has 16 antelope points and hasn't drawn yet. Sounds like a real blast.

As for the Phoenix area, it's just like any other crappy big city and suburban rat race. Overpriced, traffic, morons in full supply. But hey, you have some really cool transplanted palm trees to make the boring desert and suburban hell seem so "tropical".

But we have sports teams and racing in AZ! So what? You also live in a big litter box and elected John McCain. I live 2 hours from Chicago and have professional sports in every direction. Big whoop. I can watch the Bears lose on my TV here just the same as when I'm sitting in a Northern Wyoming bar, I've done it a few times. Locals in places like ND, the north woods of MN and WI, and very much in rural central IL like to root for the small time teams too. I have many friends that are avid NFL and MLB watchers that still sit around and drink beer and debate local high school football. It's called a sense of community. After spending plenty of time in big cities and suburban dumps, I'll take some po-dunk all day long.

And for hunting, I'd love to hunt somewhere with 15-20% public land. We have about 1% here, if that. Ya catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
I was coming home from deer hunting in Oklahoma on Sunday and stopped for gas and a bite in Marietta, OK. The "North Dakota State Tailgating Crew" came into the McDonalds I was in. You part of that crew Smalls? If so, sure is a Smalls World.

Congrats on the win!