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Non resident South Dakota spring turkey hunting


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
Would anyone like to discuss spring turkey hunting in South Dakota? Trying to plan an out of state hunt for my son this year and he is into turkey hunting and wants to do some out of state hunts befor he goes into the military. How is the public hunting in South Dakota? And how are the birds doing? Merriam would be our first choice but new country and new experiances are what we are after.
Lots of turkeys in the Black Hills and fair amount of birds along the Missouri river on both sides. The land along the river is mostly Corp of Engineer ground and it is open to hunting. Good luck!!
Lots of turkeys in the Black Hills and fair amount of birds along the Missouri river on both sides. The land along the river is mostly Corp of Engineer ground and it is open to hunting. Good luck!!
Yup agreed, most folks go to the black hills for turkey in the spring from what I see and hear. OTC tags as well which helps
Hunted the black hills numerous times from 2000 to 2012. Killed my turkey everytime. Seemed like everytime i went i saw fewer turkey and more hunters. I never had to much of a problem getting away from hunters and finding birds, though.
I'd look into the wyoming side of the black hills as well. I think they still offer OTC tags for that area and it's fairly easy to hunt both states in the same trip.
Thank you guys. Also adding Nebraska to the list. Trying to pack some good hunts in the next year. thanks For the info guys
Turkey numbers are significantly down. Last year was a first for me in not harvesting a turkey in the spring. The change in seasons, last year, and drastic change this year by SD GFP will help nesting birds going forward to try and rebound.
Plenty of birds and not to challenging. I guess they even like to strut and gobble at -5 in mid November!20191111_161754.jpg
I had a ten year run hunting turkeys in Perkins County, but then the property was sold to a pheasant hunter from Texas.

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