At some point, if you're going to give landowners the ability to sell elk and deer that happen to be on their land, you may as well get used to the European style of game ownership. Personally, I'd rather base the amount of landowner access to licenses on the game owner access to the said landowner's property.
In effect, this is what is happening with the 635 license pool. People use this license and then sign up for the EHA's to get the permit. That's a direct tie to access for a license/permit. The NBar is a prime example. Regardless of what you think of the Wilks, I'd I've been plenty sporty about them, they've embraced a more open approach to the EHA program because of the 635 pool.
No system is perfect and I think everyone is open to reformation, but a straight repeal tells folks who are moving in the right direction that they can #*^@#* off and die.