Non Political Broadhead Thread (With a Bonus Poll!)

Fixed Blade or Mechanical

  • Fixed Blade

    Votes: 90 81.8%
  • Mechanical

    Votes: 20 18.2%

  • Total voters
Much like politics, make sure you offer zero flexibility in your thinking that your decision is the only correct one and that the other choice is only for idiots. ;)
Grim Reaper Hades Pro, 3 fixed blade. Very effective at killing elk at 30 and 20 yards. It's what the guy who works at Superior Archery in Billings told me to use, which makes it irrefutable. This might be giving too much rationale for my choice though, so I'll just say I think they're really cool and I know best.
Grim Reaper Hades Pro, 3 fixed blade. Very effective at killing elk at 30 and 20 yards. It's what the guy who works at Superior Archery in Billings told me to use, which makes it irrefutable. This might be giving too much rationale for my choice though, so I'll just say I think they're really cool and I know best.
He shoots dinks
I'm shooting 125gr Magnus Hornet Serrazor.
Worked well for 2 does the other year.
Pass throughs.
They went through fast enough that they went 10-20 yards and stopped to look around then they dropped.

I picked up some of the Magnus Single Bevel last year.
No terminal ballistics volunteer yet though.
I didn’t really have time to put it through the most thorough of paces today, but the left bevel Iron Will 100 grain sampler I bought was able to hit the mark at 30 today consistently and without without any adjustments from field points. I have every bit of faith that they’ll do fine further out as well. I’m sold on ‘em for this season.

Still need to do some bareshaft testing just ‘cause.

Montec G5 125 gr. (fixed)

-Cheap to replace
-cut-out blades allow the fletchings to spin the arrow in flight better (an advantage similar to mechanical)
-super easy to sharpen
-tight manufacturing tolerances
-devastating penetration. At my 58 lb draw they break spines, leg bones, etc. pass-thrus are the norm if it does not hit a bone.
-cut-on-contact tip
-minimal pain, suffering, and alarm to the animal. I’ve had deer spook at the noise of the arrow/string or the “bee sting” of impact, run a short distance, stop, then tip over and die.
-quick kills. I’ve had several deer lights out in 10 secs or less d/t massive blood loss.
-minimal maintenance. Exposure to elements is not problematic. No replacement parts, and no chance of mechanical failure.
-very low deflection risk
-practice broadhead version available
-overall simple and close to idiot-proof.

-fragile. A little less than half of the time the broadhead chips or warps after impacting an animal, which ruins it.
-small cutting diameter. No room for bad shot placement mistakes.
-low gr. weight means large bones will stop it, such as pelvis and the scapular head. I use a heavy shaft to help compensate.
-a great choice for deer and other medium-sized game, but smaller critters a larger cutting diameter can be an advantage, and they are a bit undersized for large game - e.g. for moose I would be looking for a heavy 2-blade single bevel.
-require sharpening out of the package
-handle with care…after putting a mirror finish on the blades they will cut the shit out of your fingers and gear if mishandled.

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