Non Political Broadhead Thread (With a Bonus Poll!)

Fixed Blade or Mechanical

  • Fixed Blade

    Votes: 54 83.1%
  • Mechanical

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
Currently shooting Magnus Black Hornet 125's. They shoot well out of my bow (now that I changed rests) and I love the cut on contact point. Killed a buck with them this fall and broadhead looks good enough to reuse.

I tried Grim Reaper expandable for a couple seasons on elk. First year was one perfect shot and a short and plentiful blood trail. The second season the first shot into my bull didn't open up. Lucking he allowed me a couple follow up shots. I was pretty sick when I saw the hole from the first shot and pulled the arrow out. Blades must of got a little stiff riding around in the quiver. Never again on expandables.
Still shooting Muzzy 3 blade 125's. I shot a buck broadside 23 yds with a mechanical and the last thing I saw of that deer was an arrow sticking straight forward out his shoulder running away. No blood trail, no grid search results. Just shame. In another season, 4 bucks ran by couple hundred yards out and the last one was the biggest and not keeping up with the rest. Approx. two months later, I shot that buck with a rifle. Found the mechanical head lower in his body between the ribs and skin. It had sunk down 10" or so from his shoulder where it had hit originally. Lost that front shoulder. He had probably lost 20 lbs and I do not know if he would have made through the winter. A friend shot a buck quartering away from him and when the arrow hit high in the ribs, the arrow made a 90 degree turn and came out the other side, luckily cutting the femoral under the spine. No blood trail. We found him because the coyote's eyes standing above him shown in the flashlight while we were searching. It is true that you must tirelessly tune your bow to make your arrows fly true but isn't that what you are supposed to do?
Though national politics are very much on my mind, I’d like to see some alternative debatable subject matter on HT.

It’s been a bit since there’s been a good old broadhead post. Let the poll rip, purely to satisfy my curiosity.

Beyond the age old fixed vs mechanical argument, I’d be curious to hear about what specific broadheads folks are currently using or building arrows with and your rationale? How are they tuning for you? How dead do they make critters of the elk and deer variety?

Much like politics, make sure you offer zero flexibility in your thinking that your decision is the only correct one and that the other choice is only for idiots. ;)
On the contrary, my friend! For the last half decade I’ve been sold on fixed. I’ve had great success no doubt. Better than any other self taught bowhunters I know. But one must walk a mile in thou’s sandals before he compare thy efficacy…
I haven’t had time to survey all the broadhead marketing material landscape, but my instinct tells me there’s a correlation between the more mechanical weirdness on a broadhead the more gore depicted on the packaging. Some of this stuff is reminiscent of the covers of those Fangoria horror movie magazines that used to terrify me from the periodical shelves as a child. Discuss.

It's moronic.
These are really moronic too.
I knew a guy about 7 or 8 years ago that was "pro staff" for these. I like how they mention "Meat Worm Technology."
These are really moronic too.
I knew a guy about 7 or 8 years ago that was "pro staff" for these. I like how they mention "Meat Worm Technology."
Ha yah I remember those. I'm sure someone bought em.
Broadhead tune with fixed blades (QAD) = same POI with field, fixed, and mechanical (Rage).
Carry both in the quiver and if at longer distances or windy I'll use the mechanical otherwise always reaching for fixed blade first.
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