
Non Political Broadhead Thread (With a Bonus Poll!)

Fixed Blade or Mechanical

  • Fixed Blade

    Votes: 42 82.4%
  • Mechanical

    Votes: 9 17.6%

  • Total voters
Shooting RMS Cutthroat 125gr. three blades. Had a little bit of a tricky time tuning them last year with the AAE Max Stealth so went to the Airrzr vanes a few weeks ago. Haven't had a chance to get out and shoot them yet.

I'd consider shooting mechanicals-- specifically G3 DeadMeats-- if I bow hunt pronghorn this fall again.
The mega meats have me very intrigued.

Mechanical for deer and smaller size game shot several different kind but the Rages are by far the best I've used. Killed 2 bucks and a doe this year with them 60 yards was the furthest recovery with enough blood Stevie Wonder could follow the trail. Fixed blades for game larger then a deer like elk again I've used many different kinds currently using Slick Trick 4 blade heads. Really like the G5 montec but they never flew great for me plus I wanted a 150gr head so moved to the Slick Tricks. The penetration is awesome but the blood trails are just so-so.20241011_074105.jpg
Zwickey Eskilite 135 from my 42 lb recurve. Have yet to kill anything.

100 grain Muzzy 4 blade. Used that for a jack rabbit with the recurve and one deer.

Fixed blades are all I've ever used.
I made the switch from mechanicals to fixed a few years ago and haven't looked back since. With a properly tuned bow, my fixed blade arrows fly just as well as they did with mechanicals.
I’d bet most years I spend more time behind the string than 90% of people and only shoot mechanicals. It’s all about trusting what on the end of the pointy stick. If you want swing by and I’ll show you the things I’ve put that pointy stick thru
Sounds like something a lazy bow hunter that shoots mechanicals would say..
I will stick with the old school rage 2 blades with the collar for the foreseeable future. I bought enough on close out on E-bay to last me for years to come. I've had no issues with them and they fly true. Had a pretty hard quarter to shot on my buck this past year and the rage did it's job no problem. If it ain't broke........
Iron Will is currently selling singles for $39. Hard pill when a three pack of other brands cost the same.

I just ordered one to try out before a full commit. 100 grain with a single left bevel to match my bare shaft rotation and fletching direction. I’ll back weight my inserts and the arrow should be dead nuts 500 grains total.

I’ll post more about the arrow build on the AI arrow thread I started once I get everything tuned. I used Chat GPT compared against Archer’s Advantage to explore hypothetical set-ups and to test AI capabilities.

Anyone have any reasons to dislike the Iron Wills? Field reports?
I'm running a 29in arrow and it is either 498gr or 523gr depending on if using a 125gr(mechanical) or 150gr broadhead (fixed).