No luck today


New member
Jul 25, 2004
Rigby, Idaho
I saddled up the mule ( a buddies mule that is) and went out trying to find a lion track on the dry ground , I have free cast for lion before but never off a mule or horse never found a lion track but ran a couple bobcat and ended up in the rocks was fun and dogs stayed true pretty good for being on the chain for 2 months .
Guess I will give it another try next weekend either Malad again or Arbon Valley area as not open around me yet .
Idaho Smilie.. I'll be in Pokey over the thanxgiving Weekend... I'm up for a daty of Sumthin sumthin if you're running hounds around there .
Well.. Actually I won't have a Gun with me, But I would love a Free lion hunt and would pay to have one :D :D

Gato, still waiting for your free hunt, Get busy boy !!!
I'll keep that in mind :D I rember a few yrs ago you heading to pokey on thanksgiving and me going out and catching a nice tom that should of had your name on it....hmmmmmm
Catch it again then Call me. I'll drive back :)

If I remember right, you don't like killing cats. You;re one of.. "THEM" guys ;)
Your right I don't like killing a cat just cause its a cat....I have no problem with someone taking a mature tom. Don't you rember how many miles we drove trying to cut a track.....theres not an over abundance of the things...thats why I don't even bother hunting them much....much rather chase after its little stub tailed cousin, more challenging chase anyways.
Amen on that chalenging thing, them bobtails are much tougher .
And moosie I am one of those guys to , but do not care on mature Toms , it might be in the cards for you , If I go to Arbon Valley I might be able ti fit you in , my plans are to go friday and saturday along with the 400 other houndsmen that will be out down there as there is not much else open .
If I am hunting the private property in Malad , I cannot help on a kill, but a possibility in Arbon valley, I have only caught 4 cats down there that I would consider letting someone take . So chances of getting a cat with me are not the greatest . Just depends on what we cut .
If snow

If we have snow I will be going to Arbon Valley and if no snow will be going to malad and I cant take anyone else there as it's not my place .
I may not know which way I am going till the night before , so if you are interested let me know . :D
(208)571-1355. You let me know ....... PS, I'm not bringing a gun to Pokey, but can use one if we cut a good tom :D
Nope no guns allowed dogs will do thier part you have to stick it with your knife, now you cant be scared of a little pussy , now are you?
I might hold you to that.;)
You better put an order in for snow , dont need alot just a little to help find a track .
It will be an early start to. The latest I will leave my place will probably be 3:a.m. be in poky by 4 and that would be late for me when I go down there.
Are you questioning my Ability now to Wake up early ? At 4AM I'll still be playing Halo 2 on X-box :D

Can I put the knife at the end of a stick ?

I'll be away from a 'Puter so You'll need to call. Drop me your # in a PM and tell me when I can call......
You probably wont go..

To sleep the night before , I know I ussually just lay there till mamma goes to sleep then go watch some of my home vids.
How much of the weekend you going to be in poky?
208-716-1674cell probably best to reach me during the day &745-0771 home.
From your post I could gather that thats not to early
Maybe I will make it earlier I ussually leave between midnight and 2, kinda depends on what the weather is doing or has done :).l might give you a buz tonight.
I will give you a max of 3' of pole to tie your knife to , if the pole gets to long you lose accuracy ;) .
2 1/2 feet is all I need :)

Was that you that left a message ? I was at a Deer hunters of Idaho Meeting... I'll drop you a line in the AM. I'll be in Pokey till Sunday.
Stroke it... not Whoop it bud ;)

Friday would be the Best day, My eife has a Baby shower for her sister and Fam on Sat. But if the weather makes it so thats the day then I'll work something out.. I always do :p

PS, Over in Malad ? I work for Larry Evans who is on the board of Directors for Evans Bank who's dad Own the ONLY STORE/GUNSHOP/Everything over in Malad and they own 75% of that country. Odds are you're hunting on Don Evans (or Brothers) place/sections of land ? If so I know him well.... (Just crossing my fingers if thats were you're going :p ) If it's someone else you can say "He's the President of Deer Hunters of Idaho and Doing a Cat study on the extreeme Impact on the winter range BLAH BLAH BLAH , let him go" Story :D
Not meaning the land owners

Its my buddies hunting spot and will not infringe in his area . I could take you to hunt there but no BLAM , so I figured you would prefer to have a chance .
I am having to work wifey over |oo as she wants me to stay and watch the kids while she goes going shopping . I think it will work out though .
And yes that was me that left the message .