We don't want pigs, but we don't want anybody to shoot one either?
Surely there's some logical reason behind this, but I'm not seeing it. I understand why we wouldn't want it commercialized to where they held a value to continue their existence like game species, but to not be able to kill a hog.....?
By doing so I believe the state is not only trying to prevent the commercialization of hog hunting but also the sport, which is harder to manage. Yes I know hogs are tough on native animals and their habitat, and for that reason I can gladly justify killing every one regardless of sex or age. I also know that if hogs are eradicated I'm going to miss all the extra hunting opportunities especially since it extends my hunting season and they are really fun to stalk.
I'm just a common still hunter that enjoys extra targets. Take a hunter that is serious about it and has a lot of time and money invested in dogs and equipment. Just as every other hunter believes in conversation and preserving animals for another hunt, the serious hog hunter is no different. Sport and hunting heritage is prevalent in the southeast. I believe that sport mentality is what MT is trying to avoid.