Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

No doe for me tonight


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Went out after a doe tonight, but was shut out. I did see a few, but they wouldn't get any closer than about 80 yards. Not that it mattered, since I was just having a ball being out on a beautiful day. The leaves are changing and it was 80 degrees this afternoon.


I was in an irrigation ditch near a road. When I heard a truck coming down the road, I laid down as to not be obvious. Just as the truck was passing, I heard some rustling and looked down to see a skunk waddle within 2' of my feet.

Screw the deer, this egg eater has to die. I chased him for a while, but he won't stop for a showdown. I finally stop and nock an arrow. At about twenty yards I send one at the fleeing vernim, but it slides under his belly. Dammit, no deer and no skunk.

Oh well, another great day in the field. I have other obligations the next couple of afternoons, so I guess I will have to wait until Wed to get back to the hunting.

You guys have a good one.
looks like a nice spot you got there. Why didnt you give that skunk a big hug when he was humping your feet?
Just curious what did you plan on doing with the skunk after you shisk-a-bobbed it? I assume you were just willing to donate that arrow to the cause.