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NM Muzzloader Rules 2023

I really wish all the states across the west would get on the same page with their rules.
I wish all States period would do this! In MS you can hunt with anything you want if you hunt private. On public you can use straight wall cartridges over .35 cal in single shot rifles. They still call in primitive weapons season though. 🙄
I was a bit puzzled because the NMGF Head Biologist suggested this change would result in fewer wounded animals because the animal may not show any indication they've been hit from the long distance ML shots. My first thought was that the rate of wounded animals might go up or remain unchanged when you have people with open sights still trying to shoot too far.
I think that he Biologist’s (Stewart Liley) logic is correct. Wounding loss will go down (or at least stay flat) under the scopeless rule.
I am wondering how many will simply give up on ML hunts. I hope it is a lot, frankly, since I hunt with traditional MLs. But my guess is that there will be fewer applications for ML hunts in 2023, which might raise my odds for a good tag. So I think my deer and elk tag applications will be for ML.

One can only hope!

I am wondering how many will simply give up on ML hunts. I hope it is a lot, frankly, since I hunt with traditional MLs. But my guess is that there will be fewer applications for ML hunts in 2023, which might raise my odds for a good tag. So I think my deer and elk tag applications will be for ML.

One can only hope!


I'm adjusting my apps this year and applying for more muzzleloader hunts with the same hope. My fear is that many others will have the same thought process and the odds will actually be worse. Which honestly would fit the trend western draws have followed lately. I know I have a muzzleloader set up for Colorado as do many serious NR hunters. I wonder how many will apply not even knowing about the changes. Just have to wait and see how things shake out in the draw. But it'll probably be great for resident odds.
View attachment 253529575 yards with a muzzleloader. What a tradition! I’m sure that’s exactly what was envisioned when additional opportunities were given for muzzleloader seasons. Good riddance to this stuff
This is anathema to me, even with a modern firearm. But that is a discussion (shooters v hunters) that has been had here many times. But this is certainly not what those that created special seasons had in mind.

I agree totally - good riddance.

I'm adjusting my apps this year and applying for more muzzleloader hunts with the same hope. My fear is that many others will have the same thought process and the odds will actually be worse. Which honestly would fit the trend western draws have followed lately. I know I have a muzzleloader set up for Colorado as do many serious NR hunters. I wonder how many will apply not even knowing about the changes. Just have to wait and see how things shake out in the draw. But it'll probably be great for resident odds.
It remains to be seen. I have my fingers crossed, but I was putting in for ML hunts anyway.

I don't see a larger number of applications, because I think those gents and ladies that are using the scoped rifles are not looking to be handicapped by iron sights. But I do expect that a very large percentage will be clueless and not notice the change in regulations, and will be out there with scoped rifles in the fall.

Didn't see the exact wording of the law, does it still allow 1x scopes? That's what SD allows. I don't like it, but I need it for the crosshairs more than anything. I'm terrible with iron sights.... 😂
Didn't see the exact wording of the law, does it still allow 1x scopes? That's what SD allows. I don't like it, but I need it for the crosshairs more than anything. I'm terrible with iron sights.... 😂

Practice with an eye to perfecting a technique, will help a lot. If you were around here, I'd be glad to help coach you, but the best I can say from here is, learn to use one of several different types of sight pictures, depending on your style of barrel sights, and then practice.

There are a couple of other options- The first is a tube sight (scope with no glass), Second is a tang sight with a front globe using a crosshair insert. I used this for many years, until one day when it just disappeared.
Practice with an eye to perfecting a technique, will help a lot. If you were around here, I'd be glad to help coach you, but the best I can say from here is, learn to use one of several different types of sight pictures, depending on your style of barrel sights, and then practice.

There are a couple of other options- The first is a tube sight (scope with no glass), Second is a tang sight with a front globe using a crosshair insert. I used this for many years, until one day when it just disappeared.
That's essentially what mine is. It's a scope but offers no magnification.

I think the root of my issue with iron sights is shooting too much shotgun. I look through the front sight and can't break that habit
We'll have to see what the rule says - if they use the same words they went to in Oregon - "open iron sights", then the tube is not going to work.

If peeps are allowed, for those that want them they do work very well (newsflash of the day, I know).

As we keep adding technology, state game agencies have to keep adding rules to limit harvest success, otherwise they have to do away with opportunity(tags). It’s common sense. I would rather hunt more with my weapons restricted in technology in some form than not hunt waiting on a tag. Just my .02
I wish all States period would do this! In MS you can hunt with anything you want if you hunt private. On public you can use straight wall cartridges over .35 cal in single shot rifles. They still call in primitive weapons season though. 🙄
Off topic but I wish I had someone who could explain to me the reasoning behind a LOT of Mississippi's hunting rules and season structure.
As we keep adding technology, state game agencies have to keep adding rules to limit harvest success, otherwise they have to do away with opportunity(tags). It’s common sense. I would rather hunt more with my weapons restricted in technology in some form than not hunt waiting on a tag. Just my .02
I agree completely. But I will unabashedly admit my bias to traditional muzzleloaders.

Bottom line, though, is I just want to be able to be in the woods.

Off topic but I wish I had someone who could explain to me the reasoning behind a LOT of Mississippi's hunting rules and season structure.
I’ve lived here all my life and it’s really crazy. The fact that have a primitive weapon season that you can use any rifle you want is just stupid. That is unless you hunt public land. Then you have to have a special single shot straight wall cartridge that’s 35 caliber or more. Nuts!
I’ve lived here all my life and it’s really crazy. The fact that have a primitive weapon season that you can use any rifle you want is just stupid. That is unless you hunt public land. Then you have to have a special single shot straight wall cartridge that’s 35 caliber or more. Nuts!
We used to say "Thank God for Mississippi", since MS kept NM out of the basement on all the good things, and off the top of the list for bad. Well, in the last few years MS has moved way up the list on education, we are still mired in 51st (they also rate DC). Maybe some of your game and fish commission folks were in school back when MS was worse than NM.....

We used to say "Thank God for Mississippi", since MS kept NM out of the basement on all the good things, and off the top of the list for bad. Well, in the last few years MS has moved way up the list on education, we are still mired in 51st (they also rate DC). Maybe some of your game and fish commission folks were in school back when MS was worse than NM.....

They tried to get a game check in started a few years ago..went over like a lead balloon. I know guys who kill 10 or more deer a year. One young guy in town was rumored to kill 31 last year. I know him so it was probably more. Change is not something that is acceptable in the hunting community and politicians know it.

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