Bear Creek Adventures
New member
It was a good year for NM Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep hunters. I was fortunate to guide two of the eight hunters that drew for the Pecos Wilderness area. Here are the pictures of my hunters and their rams.
This picture is of Dr. LaValle of NM. He produces the TV hunting show "Hunting the Southwest" and the footage of this hunt should air on the Outdoor's Channel in July of 2002. This ram scored 168 B&C. It was taken on the second day he hunted with a 7mm mag. He missed a different ram on his first day using a compound bow that was estimated to score around 183 B&C points.
This picture is of Dr. VanBuskirk of NM. He hunted for four days before killing this 165 2/8 ram with his primitive long bow and wooden arrows. Prior to killing this ram, he shot one estimated to score about 180 B&C. His shot hit the ram in the scapula and did not penetrate. I saw the ram later on the day he was shot and he was just fine. Dr. Vanbuskirk missed shots at two other nice rams before killing this one which qualified to enter the P&Y record book.
This is a picture of some rams we located the day before the opener. We stayed with this group of 16 rams throught the day and on opening morning Dr. VanBuskirk shot the biggest one in the scapula and he got away. After that the band broke up into three smaller groups and we were never able to get another shot on the big ram.
I had a blast guiding these hunters, both were great guys and great sportsman. There is no hunt I enjoy more than the bighorn sheep hunts. Maybe some day I will draw a tag!
PS: Is that better MD4ME?????
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ November 15, 2001 20:27: Message edited by: Bear Creek Adventures ]</font>
This picture is of Dr. LaValle of NM. He produces the TV hunting show "Hunting the Southwest" and the footage of this hunt should air on the Outdoor's Channel in July of 2002. This ram scored 168 B&C. It was taken on the second day he hunted with a 7mm mag. He missed a different ram on his first day using a compound bow that was estimated to score around 183 B&C points.
This picture is of Dr. VanBuskirk of NM. He hunted for four days before killing this 165 2/8 ram with his primitive long bow and wooden arrows. Prior to killing this ram, he shot one estimated to score about 180 B&C. His shot hit the ram in the scapula and did not penetrate. I saw the ram later on the day he was shot and he was just fine. Dr. Vanbuskirk missed shots at two other nice rams before killing this one which qualified to enter the P&Y record book.
This is a picture of some rams we located the day before the opener. We stayed with this group of 16 rams throught the day and on opening morning Dr. VanBuskirk shot the biggest one in the scapula and he got away. After that the band broke up into three smaller groups and we were never able to get another shot on the big ram.
I had a blast guiding these hunters, both were great guys and great sportsman. There is no hunt I enjoy more than the bighorn sheep hunts. Maybe some day I will draw a tag!
PS: Is that better MD4ME?????
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ November 15, 2001 20:27: Message edited by: Bear Creek Adventures ]</font>