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Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Dude, My dad moved to AK this year so Next year I can Hunt Brown bear as a Resident without a Guide.

Whats the Odds of hooking up. It would be cool to be in a Picture with the Infamouse Bear slayer and me with another World Record Brown bear ;)
I'm going to mainly work on helping Ovis get his brownie but if we get his and i got a chance i will be bringing my bow to take a big one down hump . we will see how it plays out. Ovis helped me a lot with my first Brownie now i gots to be there to help him get his. Hows that work that you cxan hunt Ak as a resident for Brownies now. did you become a resident? are you planning on moving up here at some point and time?
There is a part in the AK rules that if you're a relative to a resident you can hunt with them without a guide. I'm not going to move to AK, just coming up there to hunt :D

Got your PM.
Thats cool dude. like i said in my message if you need any help with transportation in the Anchorage are a give me a call. my old man isn't interested in taking a bear. he's happy with the little dear back in MI. i said little cause the fugging poachers don't let them grow up!!

I know you said your dad was moving up in May, but I don't think he got there in time for you to take advantage of a spring brown bear hunt in the King Salmon area. (If memory serves me right, you said he would be up there in late May.) The season runs from May 10-25, so unless pops was there NLT the 20th (gives you about 5 days to do a hunt) or so...bad news. I'd like to tell you a 06 fall hunt would be in order, but the season in unit 9 is only open in the spring of even years and fall of odd years. That would make it a fall 07 hunt for you assuming your dad didn't move up there in time this year.

That doesn't mean you can't hunt elsewhere in the state, but if you could plan a hunt out of King Salmon for bear, that is about as good as it gets for big beautiful brownies without drawing a tag.
YAH.... I will miss the day I'm sure for King Salmon area. Although I have a Few other Ideas in the works .. you know me , Always networking :D :D
Cool...kinda figured I was shooting my trap off about something you were well aware of, but in case you didn't know...I didn't want you wasting too much of your precious time getting excited about it.

So fill us in on some of those other ideas.
HAHA ... YAH, I do appreciate itm always better safe then sorry.

well, I have a friend thats a Fish and game guy on Kodiak. Might make a trip over there, I jsut Emailed him and going to get any scoop he might know. I also have a Friend that used to be a hunter down in Sitka AK but now Resides in Anchorage. Hopefully I can Bibe some info, Etc from him. Since my dads in King Salmon, I'm working on him to get any local info and it's startingto come in.

I also talked to a friend of mine thats the editor of the Eastmans Journal on some Info on Blackies on POW.

Nothing set yet... but I'm stirring the coals ;)
That's good news Moosie. But, the law hasn't expanded as far as I know, it's been 'second degree of kinship' for quite some time.
BW, I could be wrong but I was under the impression it was 1st degree of kindred before and Jsut changed it maybe last year or the year before on the relation so it branched out to Step father, Step Sister, Etc.

Either way, My dad, First line Blood, is up there and I'm taking advantage of that :D

BW, I'm thinknig about hunting around your neck of the woods for Goat. If I don't draw on another area, We'll hook up !!!
Moosie said:
They actually just laxed the rules, it used to be just a Direct relative tlike sister, brother, or son, Etc, And then they Epanded it last year or so to extended relatives.

Its been 2nd degree of kindred for the 14 years I've lived here. Basically, immediate family, step's and grand parents/children.

No uncles/cousins
BW, It's looking more and More like I'll be visiting Sitka, Put one on Ice for me bud :) 11 months and counting :D
you must be accompanied by your 'relative / guide' while in the field. Like mentioned above it's been '2nd degree' for some time. Has not been changed.

Your father will become a resident 1 year from the date he moved to AK.

Most of SE is over the counter registration hunt for Goat. The further south you get in the panhandle the higher the Goat population and the bigger the Goats. The Ketchikan hunting area (Misty Fjords / Cleveland Pen) has more trophy Goats in the books than from any other geographic area.

In this area the weather turns to absolute shit anytime after Sept 15th. Late Sept/ Oct Goat hunting around here is very tough .... weather wise .... very few Goats are taken during November or December around here, if any. It is hard to find a plane that will fly you in to the Misty on those late season Goats.

Maybe B-Dub can correct me but 'Bobby' tells me that ther Baranoff Island Goat hunting is not that good !!!! Maybe he is just spoiled by the 'Misties'.
Muskeg, thanx for your Help. I'd love to jsut go experience the Goat hunt. I don't need a Booner to make it possible. I made a AK moose hunt with my dad and it would be cool to go on another hunt with him. He's back to working out daily, and with the help of a Couple guy I think we can Both get into some goats.

You know I've been wanting to head up there for a long time, huh :)

I've been working up north, so have missed your latest news about Mt Goat hunting. Muskeg is right, Sitka is not the best place around here. I've gone 3 times to one lake (fly in) and have been skunked each time, although one was due to weather (snow.) However, I hear of people shooting Goats up there every year, I think my timing sucks. :)

In any case, I'll have the beer iced, and look forward to meeting you here in Sitka.
Bdub, I have a Friend that hunts out of Sitka or somewere there abouts. They've taken alot of Goats. Seems every time they go out something comes home with them. Without knowing exactly else were to go I'll be atthe mercy of my Sherpa's :)

I am gathering a bit of info and we'll see what we can come up with. Hopefully by years end I'll have it figured out. Maybe..... :p

Good to hear from ya bud !!
Well, maybe with enough beers, I'll get ya to share some of those good Mt Goat locations info with me. :)

The family loved eating the one and only I've shot (on Kodiak) and I'd still like to get another one someday.