Kenetrek Boots

Nightforce SHV 4-14x56


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
West Virginia
I am looking to get a scope for my 7mm Rem Mag Seekins PH2 and I'm stuck between a Leupold VX5 3-15x44 and a Nightforce SHV 4-14x56. Eurooptic has the Nightforce for $749 and the VX5 at $799 (demo models) and I was initially all for the VX5 but having seen that they have a Nightforce for a little less, I'm inclined to pick between the two. The rifle is ultimately going to be using for a little bit of everything from whitetail here in WV to elk out west. I will shoot targets out to 600 yards or so where I am but will not be shooting game at that distance. The VX5 is 19.6 oz and the SHV is 26.9 oz which is not a huge deal but the objective lens is 56mm compared to 44mm in the VX5. The Seekins comes with a 20 moa rail, which I doubt I will utilize at the ranges I shoot. I would be using low rings for the VX5 for sure but probably would have to use a medium with the objective on the SHV. Anybody have the SHV or VX5 and what rings do you use?
I had an SHV, never had a single problem with it. Glass is great and the tracking was always perfect. I used Warne rings on that rifle with a built in 20 MOA rail, but I don't remember what height they were. If it were me, I'd buy the NF and never look back
Bought the Nightforce from Europtic and it’s probably the clearest scope I’ve ever looked through. I’ll post more info once I start shooting with it.
I have a couple of other rifles that either wear a leupold or will be in the future. I have a 3.5-10x40 on my Rem 700 .308 and works fine. The Nightforce had a good price and it was a demo model but I couldn't tell the difference between brand new and demo.

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