
Nice backyard bucks!


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Threw out my new to me Reconyx cameras and got some pretty good pictures of some nice bucks around my house. There isn't a deer season in my county, but I got pictures of 7 different bucks in less than a 2 week period that I had these cameras out. Of course my little 5 acre wheat field is about the only thing green within several miles, they are keeping it cropped down pretty good. Tracks everywhere!

These first 2 pictures are the same buck.



I'm 99% sure this is a different one.


Not sure what is up with this guys right side.


Young guy with potential.


Pretty happy with the Reconyx, trigger is amazing, I got several pictures of cars driving by with one of the other cameras I had setup. Nice to see what I've been missing with my other cameras. Too bad Lubbock county doesn't have a deer season!
Nice bucks. I had no idea there were counties in Texas with no deer hunting. Learn something everyday.
Those are really cool pics, especially that they are on your property. Good luck finding the sheds if nothing else. Did I hear you say you were talking to fish & game about a "damage control" permit?;):D Gotta protect that food plot . . . um wheat field you got there.
This was the driest year ever recorded in our county. Less than 6" of rain, beat the previous record by almost 3"! Not sure where these guys have been eating, I usually have some sorghum for them to eat in the summer and fall, but it was a total bust this year.

The reason for no hunting season is because there aren't enough deer. 99% of the county is cotton fields and the city of Lubbock. About 1% of the land area has deer. Texas either allows hunting in the entire county or doesn't. No permits or anything like that. If they opened up hunting for the entire county the few deer that there are would get shot out pretty quick probably.

With that said there are more deer every year. When I first moved to my current house out in the country we saw 3 deer in the first 5 years we lived out there. Last year we saw a dozen deer in one evening. Maybe some day I'll get to hunt them, in the meantime I'm just hoping they will stick around long enough into the spring to let me find their sheds!

Last year I thought I had everything figured out, knew where they were bedding and everything and right when they were going to start shedding the county opened up a caliche pit next door and started running heavy equipment all day everyday and the deer vanished. Hopefully they won't run the caliche pit until summer this year!

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