Yeti GOBOX Collection

Newfoundland Moose


Active member
Jul 16, 2016
upstate NY
I know it isn't self guided but economical and "easy" for those of us on the east coast:

who has done a newfoundland moose hunt any pointers you wish to share or outfitter suggestions?

right now looking at Riverrun outfitting, probably fly up and ship the meat back since dad doesn't seem keen on taking a few days to drive and it will require some convincing of my wife to let me take a week in october to hunt since we usually take our vacation with the horses in september/october
I'm signed up with Roberts Outfitters this year . I will probably drive from South Florida , try to get my wife to fly up and meet me there .
I can take the Amtrak Ride Share train to DC , then drive from there .
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Northwest Gander was a good outfit for me in 2019 and @deer_shooter in 2023. If I did it again, I'd drive instead of fly. I'd also try and go peak rut as opposed to early in the season. Lastly, I'd have had a better meat processor work on it or have butchered it myself.
Northwest Gander was a good outfit for me in 2019 and @deer_shooter in 2023. If I did it again, I'd drive instead of fly. I'd also try and go peak rut as opposed to early in the season. Lastly, I'd have had a better meat processor work on it or have butchered it myself.
Who did you have process it?
Who did you have process it?
The outfitter used a butcher shop in town to cut up critters for clients that are flying home and shipping the meat. Couldn't tell you the name of the place or if that's who they still use now.

It was untrimmed and in huge cuts. I think they just ran all four quarters through the band saw. However, it was clean, vac-sealed, and frozen so it wasn't all bad. Just took a lot of knife work after thawing out each package.
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NL moose are really on the small side. My boss lives there and we compare moose from NL and moose me and my family have killed here in Maine. They kill a ton on spikes to 6 pt in NL. A good friend of mine went there on a hunt this last fall and hardly saw a track. Its hunting I know but don't expect anything decent.
NL moose are really on the small side. My boss lives there and we compare moose from NL and moose me and my family have killed here in Maine. They kill a ton on spikes to 6 pt in NL. A good friend of mine went there on a hunt this last fall and hardly saw a track. Its hunting I know but don't expect anything decent.
Hmmm , they advertise almost a 95% success rate , almost every outfitter there . Was your friend road hunting ?
We all know what we got our self signed up for , at least I do anyway , but nice first post , thank you .
NL moose are really on the small side. My boss lives there and we compare moose from NL and moose me and my family have killed here in Maine. They kill a ton on spikes to 6 pt in NL. A good friend of mine went there on a hunt this last fall and hardly saw a track. Its hunting I know but don't expect anything decent.
Common from a road based hunt. I had just the opposite experience on a fly in hunt. All of the bulls taken were 40-50 inches and mature animals. Actually saw a giant and couldn't get on him in time. Newfoundland is an outstanding opportunity to chase moose with lots of animals. Some giant black bear as well.
I have bowhunted NL for moose five times and Caribou once. My bulls are, 40,37 and 42. My caribou scored well in P&Y. My father is three for three on Moose with a 38 and 40.
A bull with paddles is totally doable.

My suggestion is go to outfitter that has fly in areas as you will have a lot less pressure.
It’s any easy drive for me and usually plan on a hunt every other year however the outfitter I prefer is booked three years out. I will be back up in 26.
Does it make sense for an Idahoan to consider one of these hunts based on logistics of getting meat home?
Does it make sense for an Idahoan to consider one of these hunts based on logistics of getting meat home?
I did it from Florida , flew to Deer Lake . Had my moose processed ($650-ish) and shipped to Florida (900-ish) , I can come up with the exact amounts later if you want .
The only drawback is the shipper only ships once , at the end of the season , second week of December .
So far I'm happy with the way my meat was processed , first package of tenderloins had a hair , (that was our fault I think ) but other than that no trouble .
And moose is excellent table fare , IMO .
So yes , IMO , go for .
I did it from Florida , flew to Deer Lake . Had my moose processed ($650-ish) and shipped to Florida (900-ish) , I can come up with the exact amounts later if you want .
The only drawback is the shipper only ships once , at the end of the season , second week of December .
So far I'm happy with the way my meat was processed , first package of tenderloins had a hair , (that was our fault I think ) but other than that no trouble .
And moose is excellent table fare , IMO .
So yes , IMO , go for .
Thank you for the advice!
This is something I’m looking forward to in 26. I’m going to do more research. Any other tips? How do you get your weapons there? What sorta gear does one need? What is the climate like in late September?
This is something I’m looking forward to in 26. I’m going to do more research. Any other tips? How do you get your weapons there? What sorta gear does one need? What is the climate like in late September?
Getting the gun there was easy flying , just have to have a lockable case . As far as gear , it was a lot like deer hunting in Mi .I wore my boots and gaiters and I never got wet feet . Most wear rubber knee high boots but I hate walking in them .
I was there in late september and it was cold but the ground was not frozen , mid 30"s at night 40-50 during the day .
But be ready to shoot long distance if a chance presents itself . Get the either sex tag , it's the same price but gives you the option of shooting a big cow if you don't see a bull . Glad to help if you have any other questions .
What was the cost to ship the meet and Rack home?

US folks keep in mind I believe it starts this spring where you need a passport to fly. Working on getting mine now.
What was the cost to ship the meet and Rack home?

US folks keep in mind I believe it starts this spring where you need a passport to fly. Working on getting mine now.
$905.31 for five full boxes of meat and a smallish rack . But I had to wait as they only ship once , second week in december . But it was a very smooth process .
I know it isn't self guided but economical and "easy" for those of us on the east coast:

who has done a newfoundland moose hunt any pointers you wish to share or outfitter suggestions?

right now looking at Riverrun outfitting, probably fly up and ship the meat back since dad doesn't seem keen on taking a few days to drive and it will require some convincing of my wife to let me take a week in october to hunt since we usually take our vacation with the horses in september/october
Looking forward to reading the responses. My father and I have a booked hunt up there this coming fall for the first time and are looking forward to it.
My son and I are looking at a hunt in NL as well for moose. We are thinking of a flyout to see if we can get a better animal. We both have hunted out west for deer and elk. I am wondering a couple things:

What did you wear on your feet hunting in NL? I am thinking hip boots but thought I would ask what folks experienced?

What rifle and bullet did you go with? I shot my first deer with an 06 and was thinking it would be cool to try for a moose with the same rifle. I can go with more horsepower but the barrels are also 26" and thinking that might be a bit long for that country.

Thanks for any advice.

My son and I are looking at a hunt in NL as well for moose. We are thinking of a flyout to see if we can get a better animal. We both have hunted out west for deer and elk. I am wondering a couple things:

What did you wear on your feet hunting in NL? I am thinking hip boots but thought I would ask what folks experienced?

What rifle and bullet did you go with? I shot my first deer with an 06 and was thinking it would be cool to try for a moose with the same rifle. I can go with more horsepower but the barrels are also 26" and thinking that might be a bit long for that country.

Thanks for any advice.

Flyout would be a good idea , IMO , just to get farther into the interior . I wore my Schees with gaiters , but the guides had knee high rubber boots . The bogs were deep , but I never got wet feet . Ask the outfitter what kind of hunting they offer , some might be using a electric call and sitting up high . It works , we had one come from over 1200 yards away , just make sure you have a good idea of what to expect .
Also , I had chances to shoot 500 yards if I wanted , but shot mine much closer , so take a gun you feel comfortable with . I'm sure a 06 would work . I took my 28 Nosler and shot 175 LRAB , Accubond , bullet .
I tell everyone when you get there you have the option to buy a bull or either sex tag , get the either sex just in case you don't get a shot at a bull .
It is beautiful country , I'm going back next year .
Any other questions PM me if you want ?
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