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BC Moose and Caribou hunt

Oak, I'm grateful for all RMBS and your selfless work support conservation from it's core though I gotta tell ya, my name has more chance the LESS attention this thread and other sources receive as this draws regardless how many tags are sold.

Damn, did I just BUMP my own odds downward?

Hell, I always say, "it goes to a great cause", be it RMEF, DU, or RMBS.

This goes to a great cause all. Hop in and support the funds this event grants RMBS. I already have a couple tickets. Time to buy another. Not for the chance to win - more because the devotion and dedication these people have given selflessly for our children's future experience that shapes their lives.

Get in on this while there are still tickets left. This isn't merely an organization funding their existence. These are top notch people we're saying thanks for all you do!

I've never been so sad at not being able to enter a raffle. But the dates didn't work and it was non transferable. womp womp

Getting excited, somewhere around this time tomorrow I'll get to talk to Oak in person as he calls me to congratulate me on winning
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If you purchased tickets for this raffle you should have received an invitation this afternoon to a live drawing on Zoom tonight (in about an hour). I don't have Facebook access, so I can't do the drawing there. Please don't share the Zoom link, as I only paid for the capacity for those who purchased tickets. Good luck!!!
If you purchased tickets for this raffle you should have received an invitation this afternoon to a live drawing on Zoom tonight (in about an hour). I don't have Facebook access, so I can't do the drawing there. Please don't share the Zoom link, as I only paid for the capacity for those who purchased tickets. Good luck!!!
Never got one nor did I get copies of the tickets.
Resolved! It was just a typo. If anyone else ever has a problem like above, you know where to find me. Let me know early and we will get it fixed!
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